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There are those hearts, reader, that never mend again once they are broke. Or if they do mend, they heal themselves in a crooked and lopsided way, as if sewn together by a careless craftsman.

And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it. — Roald Dahl

Theres a kind of radar you get, after years of being talked about and made fun of by other people. You can almost smell it when its about to happen, you recognize instantly the sound of a hushed voice, lowered just enough to make whatever is said okay.

Have you ever lost someone you love and wanted one more conversation, one more chance to make up for the time when you thought they would be here forever? If so, then you know you can go your whole life collecting days, and none will outweigh the one you wish you had back. — Mitch Albom

Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. - Max Ehrmann's Desiderata

We learn to abuse ourselves from being abused.

The more I move the dark side into consciousness, the less pull it has on me.

I want to let go of the suffering, not wear it as a banner for the rest of my life.

When you look at the world through a broken lens, the world looks shattered.

We are not attracted to people who are tender to us; rather we attract relationships that repeat the wounds of the past.

All these years I've packed ice around my heart, now how do I melt it? -Cold Mountain

Don't wonder why people go crazy. Wonder why they don't. In face of what we can lose in a day, in an instant, wonder what the hell it is that make us hold it together.

Life does not accommodate you, it shatters you. It is meant to, and it couldn't do it better. Every seed destroys its container or else there would be no fruition. - Florida Scott-Maxwell

One day you'll fall down and there won't be anyone to pick you up again.

Sometimes you know in your heart you love someone, but you have to go away before your head can figure it out. -Walk Two Moons

A philosopher once asked, "Are we human because we gaze at the stars or do we gaze at the stars because we are human?" Pointless really. Do the stars gaze back? Now that's a question.

It said that the world is broken into pieces and everyone has to find them and put them back together. Maybe we don't have to find it. Maybe we are the pieces.

I know who you are. I love you. I love everything about you that hurts. -Closer

When we're alone you adore me. When we're both dressed you ignore me.

Tonight she's taking chances. Making memories out of what she has. Throwing caution to the wind. It feels good to leave it all behind. Here's to being young and gorgeous

Love isn't about the romantic nights or gifts. It isn't about fireworks going off around you when you have that first, real, kiss. Love isn't about kissing in the rain and dancing beneath the stars. It isn't about the big moments or the big surprises. Love is not a fairy tale. Love is about still having the butterflies after years. It's about the second looks and laying in bed wide awake, all night, because you can't go to sleep mad at each other.It's about being willing to sacrifice, literally, everything for someone, just because you care so deeply for them. It's not about buying them gifts, but it's about leaving them little presents here and there, just to remind them that you are constantly thinking about them. Love is about all of the things, that add up to really big things. Love is rare and special, but should not be treated as if it will break. Love needs to be thrown around and beat up a little bit, worn in, but not worn down. Love needs to be a comfortable feeling, a place to go when no one else in the world can relate. A safe place, where you know that no matter how ugly you look or how angry you are, you will still be loved.

Love is always a good thing no matter how much it hurts. Even after it's over, even through the pain, anyone who has ever really loved will tell you that they never regretted a second of it, no matter how much it hurt in the end. And if you tell me differently, I will tell you that you were not truly in love.

Before you can grow up, you must fall in love 3 times. Once you must fall in love with your best friend, ruining your friendship forever. This will teach you who your true friends are, and the fine line between friendship and more. Once you must fall in love with someone you believe to be perfect. You will learn that no one is perfect, and that you should never be treated as anything less than you deserve. And once you must fall in love with someone that is exactly like you. This will teach you about who you are, and who you want to be. And when you're through with all that, you learn that the people who care about you the most are the ones that you hurt, and the ones that hurt you are the ones that needed you the most. But most of all, you learn that love is only a concept and is not something that can be defined, it is different to each and every person on this earth, knowing that everyone only wants to be loved.

Take me by the hand, and tell me you would take me anywhere.

I tried to move you, but you wouldn't budge. I tried to hold your hand, but you'd rather hold a grudge

The stars lean down to kiss you & I lie awake and miss you.

Superman's not brave. You can't be brave if you're indestructible. It's every day people, like you and me that are brave knowing we could easily be defeated, but still continue forward.

sometimes the feelings we start to have again are the same feelings that never really went away.

she whispered; "where have you been all my life?" and he said; "looking for you"

some of the best things in life are total mistakes

you learn a lot about people when you listen to the songs that mean something to them.

The expected is what we live for. The unexpected is what changes our lives.

Lovers don't finally meet somewhere, they're in each other all along.

You could ink yourself until everyone knows all the things you love. You could wear uniforms that gave you all the authority in the world. Lose weight until there was nothing left. Paint the face. Suck in your gut. But in the dark, stripped down to your bones, all that remains is you.

nov 7 2009 ∞
nov 27 2009 +