Do NOOOTTT be racist.

Don't be skinny/scrawny.

I like a tiny gut.

I dont care if you smoke, or drink.

Be outdoorsy.

Kiss me anyway.

Love my dog, or else.

Be a thoughtful gift giver.

Appreciate sarcasm.

Have a job.

Must love Halloween.

Dress up with me.

Must not hate gays.

Bisexual, preferably.

Enjoy board games.

Answer my questions.

Ask me something!

Never LET me win at anything.

Be well-groomed, but don't be too pretty.

Don't always be clean-shaven or bearded.

Give me back rubs when I'm stressed, even if I don't ask for them.

Don't get grossed out when I eat way more sushi than you do.

Don't propose to me.

Don't give me stupid nicknames.

No hickeys allowed.

Play with my hair.

Change my tire when I call and tell you I have a flat.

Send me dirty text messages.

Dont get mad when I hang out with my friends.

Have your own friends.

Do not buy me gold jewelry.

Be spontaneous.

Look good in flannel pajama pants, without a shirt.

Have a cute butt.

Grab my butt in public at inappropriate times.

Surprise me.

Have strong hands.

Respect my religious choice to be pagan, even if you aren’t one.

Don't cheat.

Don’t think you can hit me and get away with it.

Don't compare me to other girls.

Communication skills- Have them.

Be motivated to do something with your life.

Enjoy both putt-putt and bowling.

Tell me dumb jokes to cheer me up after a bad day.

Be creative in bed.

Always call me on my bullshit.

Call when you say you're going to call.

Take photographs of me when I'm not aware.

Enjoy sushi.

Like to read, something.

If we make plans, keep them.

Do NOT lie to me, ever, about anything.

Be sensitive, but don't cry more than I do.

Don't avoid conflict, or walk away from me, I will just come after you even more pissed off.

Compliment my intelligence.

Don't snore, often, or to loud.

Never read my email or snoop through my personal things.

Love my ass, and hips.

Kiss my neck, not my forehead.

Make eye contact, sincerely and often.

Keep my secrets.

Don't be a snob about anything

apr 3 2010 ∞
apr 3 2010 +