Welcome, clifford, here is your face reading self-test report!

Eyelids Very Exposed clifford enjoys being close to loved ones, and is compassionate and giving of time and attention. He is not afraid of intimacy and bonding, and in fact may be very driven to get close to one or more people. clifford is emotionally generous and supportive.

clifford can even be a little needy sometimes, and may have an above-average need to look to others for input, and/or experience deep closeness with friends, pets and family. A challenge can be vulnerability and dependence; clifford is likely to have experienced unrequited love more than once.

clifford likes decisions to be made quickly and to get the answers right away. He doesn’t really care to hear long-winded explanations about how and why things work, but instead prefers simply to hear whether or not it will fill his needs.

Narrow Width Between Eyes clifford is great at noticing and attending to the little things. Nothing gets by him and his ability to concentrate, and he simply won’t quit until tasks are done to perfection. clifford is so perceptive and detail-oriented that he probably will excel at a skill or trade that requires intense focus.

clifford may find himself easily annoyed by people who are late, and those who tend to interrupt and finish other peoples’ sentences. Being hypercritical and over-focusing on little details causes neglect of other issues and makes him miss the bigger picture. clifford may also find himself obsessing over things that are best left in the past. He makes up for it with a great ability to find and fix problems.

Angled Eyebrows clifford evaluates everything carefully yet quickly, resulting in decisive, rapid decision-making. He loves to be in charge - control is important and the desire for leadership comes naturally. Clever and smart, clifford can also be critical and disapproving, with a fault-finding gift that can prevent headaches or cause heartache.

At the worst, clifford may actually get a bit of a kick out of conflict, enjoying it if only for the challenge. He must be aware of the potential for jealousy and possessiveness, the drive to control what is his, and turning people off by always having to be right.

On the bright side, clifford is excellent at conserving money and resources, getting to the point in speech and action, and having an allergy to wasted time.

Ears High Set A speedy thinker, clifford naturally acts right away versus considering every detail. This generally comes not just from impulsiveness, but also from intelligence. Being a fast learner, clifford can usually choose the best response or reaction quicker than most. He has a deep drive and ability to get things done now and enjoy the fruits of the labor, or simply to get the dirty work out of the way.

Sometimes haste may be the cause of error on clifford’s part, and getting it done is often more important to him than getting it done right. He can be intolerant of people who would rather take the time and check all the finer details for accuracy.

clifford also works from a realistic viewpoint. He feels that ignoring some of the little details will not cause a catastrophe, but that staying on schedule instead takes precedence. Many times this is realistic since perfection is not always required. Yet clifford might want to set higher standards in some situations, like important career-related projects.

Ears Flat Against Head clifford is empathetic of most people, groups and cultures, and thus makes a diplomatic, responsive human being. Conforming to the rules - from having good manners to appropriately addressing unwritten cultural nuances – gets his full attention.

As a result clifford finds that being conservative and following procedure is a means to that end. Being overly selfless and unable or unwilling to act outside the box can be limitations. Argumentative, manipulative people are not a piece of cake for clifford, who may either become frustrated or who may give in to unreasonable demands.

When clifford takes things literally and attempts to fit in, less conforming types may look down on that as a weakness. Luckily, clifford’s desire for tact is still a useful trait that can empower personal and professional success.

Large Flared Nostrils clifford can be extravagant and generous to a fault. He will give it all away in a blink. Protective and giving with family, nothing is too good for the people clifford loves. Running out of resources, money and time doesn’t occur to clifford, but it is a possibility due to their lavishness.

clifford has so much confidence that he may wildly overestimate his ability, and may even imagine himself invincible. clifford believes in abundance without question and so is likely to experience it, and may encounter being taken advantage of along the way.

Independent and energetic, those large nostrils allow lots of creativity and unique ideas to flow. Many times clifford’s projects do come to light, and then clifford definitely wants due credit. An issue may be forgetting that others deserve some attention too.

Low Set Cheeks clifford is no perfectionist, being gentle on those in error and tolerant of other peoples’ choices, good or bad. Life after all is a lesson to learn and few people get it right the first time, he feels. clifford may be harder on himself and have high personal expectations (or not!), but everyone else gets the benefit of the doubt at least the first time around.

This seeming leniency may cause others to wonder at clifford’s amazing open-mindedness. He is simply unwilling to force decisions and opinions on others. Very few people would ever call him a control freak.

Mouth Wide The wider the mouth the more easily one can deal with larger groups of people. So if clifford truly has a wide mouth, he is quite social and friendly with everyone he meets; “never a stranger” in his mind. Plus clifford likes attention.

In fact as long as he knows the topic, clifford will naturally enjoy performing for large audiences, whether on a personal or professional basis. Under most circumstances he is enthusiastic, a good storyteller, outgoing and confident.

Others with less personal joie de vivre may feel clifford imposes too much, is irresponsible in action and demand, and swings to the extremes of emotion. In fact clifford can reveal too much too soon, and may find himself putting his foot in his mouth more often than he would like. clifford may also act agreeably simply to maintain positive attention and favor in the eyes of others. The fact that clifford tells good stories also suggests that he can bend the truth, which is even more accurate when the lips are also thick.

Mouth Turned Up at Corners clifford tends not to see the darker side, and even misses details that definitely need correcting. Optimistic and friendly, he expects the best and tunes out criticism and the negative. This is not a forced act, but a natural mindset.

clifford may seem undiplomatic when others are suffering. He may smile and suggest they look at the bright side and insist everything’s going to be okay, when that may be the last thing anyone wants to hear under heart-wrenching circumstances like the death of a loved one.

This cheerful, sunny disposition is usually an asset, but more sensitive people may find clifford overwhelming. People who are positive or wish they were more positive will be attracted to clifford; people who think the worst may secretly see him as sugar-coated.

Forehead Even in Width clifford is fairly well-balanced between action and deliberation. He can pay attention to the details of a thing, or make haste to be done with it, but not to excess in either direction. Balance in this facial trait means steering clear of extremes of impulsiveness or over-thinking.

Sometimes clifford will expedite an event or transaction as needed. Other times he will know it is time to take care of the nuances or examine alternatives. In other words, clifford can rush when it’s needed and safe, or avoid jumping into things until a full evaluation is done.

jan 8 2011 ∞
jan 12 2011 +