Welcome, kourie, here is your face reading self-test report!

Eyelids Moderately Exposed kourie will enjoy closeness on certain levels, and at other times desire more independence and space. She is right in between being needy versus being a loner. Space is good at times, and closeness is required when appropriate. kourie is not likely to cling; if they do have such a period of separation anxiety, it won’t last for long.

While kourie appreciates people who get to the point, she will also have some tolerance and attention for those who like to share more details, as long as she has the time to listen.

Average Width Between Eyes If kourie could fit another eye just between her natural two, she would have average eye width – neither very close nor very far set. kourie tends to be more balanced in the ability to pay attention to details as well as appreciate the bigger vision.

If the shoe fits, exacting study of detail can be attractive to kourie. If the topic is not of great interest to her, however, she may lose the drive needed to complete the task. Depending on the issue, kourie can be either very good with details or focused more on the long-range outcomes instead of how every nuance will fall into place.

Basically, kourie is not given to extremes of focus or flightiness, but has a healthy balance between the two. She can concentrate when needed, or consider the grand scheme of things.

Curved Eyebrows A top priority for kourie is human and social contact. kourie enjoys being around others and connects strongly with loved ones on an emotional level. As a result she will be very good at interacting with people directly while using diplomacy as needed to maintain peace. kourie also learns by studying people in action and by hands-on involvement in the doing of things.

kourie may find her emotions ruling her behavior at times. Because of her natural human-orientation this may include coming across as needy, dependent or dramatic when loss threatens. Still, one of kourie’s best traits is consideration for the well-being of others.

Ears Moderately Angled Out Having an average facial trait often equals an average personality trait. While the word “average” may sound boring and not special, it can be better than being either outrageous or mousy. Very often the lack of desire or ability to swing too far in any direction can keep people calm and a situation stable. If extremes and drama are the order of the day, frustration will eventually turn to anger, resentment, and wondering “what is wrong with me?!”

kourie has ears that are moderately angled, neither flat nor sticking way out. So kourie does not go to extremes of dependence (flat ears) or independence (stick-out ears). The same goes for hording (stick-out ears) or giving it all away to fit in (flat ears). kourie is temperate in this regard.

Because she is right in between, sometimes she will keep and collect, other times kourie knows it’s time to clean house and de-clutter. In certain situations, she will need help or advice or reassurance, other times kourie can do it all on her own. kourie’s ears therefore suggest balance and reasonable expectations in those departments.

Short Nose Bridge kourie’s innate programming is to work, to help, and to jump in and get things done. She naturally goes the extra mile and is quick to get started and hone in on a task until it’s done.

As a result kourie may have precious spare time for friends and family. Workaholic tendencies may lead to stress, and people who aren’t as hard working aren’t appreciated.

While kourie will handle the details that turn other people off, she generally doesn’t plan projects and may miss the big picture due to getting “down in the dirt” ASAP. kourie is a very hard worker to have on a team; some people may recognize this trait about her and take advantage.

Cheeks Widest at Eyes kourie is generally a very caring, positive and charismatic person. She has a healing presence that people are unconsciously attracted to. A corresponding inner wisdom and desire to help and encourage makes kourie a natural nurturer and probably a talented healer.

kourie’s cheeks suggest only a few challenges. One is a difficulty in receiving. Another is taking time for herself when there are so many others in dire need of healing. A third may be people who try to take advantage of kourie’s generous nature.

Mouth Corners Even Being right in the middle of the communication spectrum, kourie is a fairly objective, reflective listener who generally will not speak hastily or act before some contemplation. In her mind, things aren’t good or bad until more evidence is absorbed. She tends to shy away from overreacting.

People who are highly reactive – whether very positive or very negative - may annoy kourie. She will wonder at all that fuss is about! She is not fond of overly negative or super bubbly people, though kourie is generally tactful enough not to say so. kourie will probably unload only when she has had too many buttons pushed.

kourie is an asset to teams. She is likely to give the overeager and the fault-finders some balance, being able to recognize both sides of the story, identify the good and the bad.

Forehead Even in Width kourie is fairly well-balanced between action and deliberation. She can pay attention to the details of a thing, or make haste to be done with it, but not to excess in either direction. Balance in this facial trait means steering clear of extremes of impulsiveness or over-thinking.

Sometimes kourie will expedite an event or transaction as needed. Other times she will know it is time to take care of the nuances or examine alternatives. In other words, kourie can rush when it’s needed and safe, or avoid jumping into things until a full evaluation is done.

jan 7 2011 ∞
jan 12 2011 +