roommate fyi-

you really need to:

wash the dishes take out the trash decontaminate your room clean the toilet take a shower quit hogging the bathroom wear less parfume try a breath mint put some clothes on wear your own clothes keep it down play better music chill out get treated for OCD get out of that relationship get off the phone chang eyour ringtone lower your voice evict the freeloader pay the rent pay the bills pay me back lay off the booze have quieter sex do it in your own room set your alarm stop hitting the snooze button take responsibility take a pill respect my space rfealize your not always right make better friends make your own friends get a life get out more get over yourself grow up leave my stuf alone ask first buy your own food turn off the lights aim for the toilet flush the toilet replace the TP say youre sorry speak up keep it to yourself lose the 'tude turn off the flirt recycle stop talking !#$%@ about me snoop less mind your own business shut up wake up compromise find yourself find your keys stop parkingin my space write messages down stop whining see a shrink listen to me love me call your mom move out blank space

check: please but i still like you as a person for your own good and im not the only one who thinks so or else

nov 30 2009 ∞
mar 28 2010 +