Bathroom Storage Ideas

    • Empty your space - Take all of your toiletries and items in your bathroom out of the room. After you take everything out it is easier to evaluate the space. This is also the time to consider any painting or shelf covering that may be necessary.
    • Tackle the Problem Areas - All of the bathroom storage ideas in the world will not help if you don't tackle each section at a time and confront problems specific to each area.
            • Undersink Area - This is a difficult space to maximize because of the plumbing but there are ways to improve it.

Lazy Susans Place these on the floor or shelf under the sink and use it to store toiletries. Shelf Expanders You can also place these on the floor under the sink to make your items visible and easy to access. Shelf Organizers These are normally used under a kitchen sink by why not use them in the bathroom as well. These can almost double your space and make it more efficient because things will be divided into two levels not one. Pull Out Bins These are great to add to your space because access is optimized. All you have to do is pull out the bin and have everything in your view. You can also place baskets inside. When you need your toiletries or makeup just pull out the basket for use and place it back in the bin when finished. You can't get any easier than that.

            • Drawers - For those who have a sink or other piece of furniture with drawers you are lucky to have them. Here are some ways to use the space.

Drawer Dividers These come in all shapes and sizes and really help maximize and organize these spaces. It is easy in a hurry to just start throwing things into drawers but in the long run it takes longer in the morning to get ready when you have to look through everything all of the time. Glasses, Bowls, and Miscellaneous Glassware This is one of my favorite little bathroom storage ideas. I love looking for odd glasses and antique glassware. You can place these in a drawer (lined of course) and fill it with any smaller items that need containing such as makeup or hair accessories.

            • Medicine Cabinet - If you have a bathroom that has a medicine cabinet then you must take advantage of the space. Keep the following in mind when organizing this space.

The Right Stuff Bathroom storage ideas must be carefully thought out due to the environmental problems in a bathroom - mainly heat and humidity. There are some things that shouldn't be kept in a medicine cabinet - strangley enough medicine is one of them. All medicine should be kept in a cool dry place. The medicine cabinet is more appropriate for any of your smaller toiletries such as a toothbrush and toothpaste, dental floss, razor, shaving cream, or facial care products. These are just a few you can add items from your personal list to make it complete.

            • The Linen Closet - There are so many bathroom storage ideas you can use in your linen closet so I have devoted a single page to organizing this space. To find steps to organize your linen closet click here.
    • Search For Extra Space - There are many bathroom storage ideas that can be implemeted by using your imagination. Look around your bathroom and evaluate places than can be used as storage space. Here are some ideas of how and where to place your storage:

An Empty wall If you have a wall that is empty it is just begging to be used. Bathroom furniture is made smaller in scale and finished to withstand the heat and humidity that bathrooms must endure on a daily basis.

Consider pieces such as armoires, bookcases, chests, ottomans, wardrobes, sideboards, modular cubbies, or tables.

Another option for an empty wall is shelves. You can either cover the wall from top to bottom or just selectively hang a few if you need them.

Check Over Doors and Windows If you have enough vertical space over your doors or windows place a shelf over the space. You can store infrequently used items or extra toiletries that you only have to access occasionally. Keep style in mind and use decorative baskets or bins on the shelves.

Space Above the Toilet This space is often overlooked. There are many premade shelves that are specially made for this area. You can also use stock kitchen or bathroom cabinets or shelving.

The Bathroom Door There are several options for this space. The first is the traditional hooks at the top of the door. Second, is the bar you can hang over the door that contains towel bars. Third, is simply attatch your own towel bars to the door. Choose ones that will compliment your decor. You can use a minimum of two and depending on the length of your towels you may fit three. You can also use a pocket organizer if you already have a space to hang your towels.

Around the Tub Do you have any space around your tub? How about adding shelves around your tub or making a shallow shelving space between the wall studs?

There are many versitle ways to maximize you bathroom . The bathroom storage ideas presented here are a way to start organizing your space so that you can store your items easily. Getting rid of the clutter is the first step to having an inviting space to relax and unwind at the end of a long day.

nov 5 2009 ∞
apr 3 2010 +