to: from: date: infraction: -behaivior -words -action -inaction

reasons for my behavior:

-i was in a foul mood -it seemed like a good idea -i ran out of my meds -i was feeling insecure -you were pushing my buttons -i was being selfish -i forgot -i didnt know -i wasnt thinking -it just happened -i was planning a suprise for you -i ahd no idea it would hurt you -mercury was in retrograde -i needed to vent -i was traumatized in childhood -you were nearby -i hate you -someone else made me -i forgot you didnt like that -i couldnt help myself -i was tired -i was hungry -i was drunk -im in love with you -im a schmuck -blank

"this nore represents my awareness that my words or actions in some way upset, hurt, or otherwise alienated you. in light of this understanding i -will -will not do it again"

dec 1 2009 ∞
mar 28 2010 +