• (may 16 2010 received) "remember three months from this date, good things are in store for you"

- to bad i went to jail that night haha with cody rice

  • "ignore previous cookie"
  • "think for yourself or think for no one"
  • "there are many ways you can be hurtful, but only one way to heal. that is through love"
  • "your a perfectionist, dont spoil it"
  • "in the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity"
  • "if you refuse to accept anything but the best, you very often get it"
  • "cut through organizational impediments and get some real work done"
  • "you have deep interest in all that is artistic"
  • "if you promise someone something, keep it"
  • "smile, it makes your day brighter as well as the days of those around you"
  • "if you wish to see the best in others, show the best in yourself"
  • "if you dont have a plan for your life, someone else will"
  • "you will always posses a charm and sense of humor that attracts others"
  • "there is no mistake so great as that of being always right"
  • "it takes a lot of time to achieve instant success"
  • "be magnanimous, be trustful, be hopeful and be patient"
  • "if you would judge someone character, wait till they're dealing with hard times"
  • "let hatred turn into friendship because of your existence"
aug 24 2010 ∞
sep 6 2010 +