Start your own blog Go camping and sleep under the stars Play in a band Holiday on a tropical island Make a wish on a shooting star Give 1% of your income to charity Go to Disneyland/world Climb a mountain Hold a praying mantis, a spider or a snake (spider) Stay overnight in the desert Bungee jump Visit Paris and see the Mona Lisa at the Louvre Watch a lightning storm at sea Teach yourself an art/craft from scratch (Can I count blogging and basic programing here?) Walk to the top of the Statue of Liberty Grow your own vegetables (thanks to mom’s guidance) Eat ’space’ cookies in Amsterdam and float down the canals in a pleasant daze (a great week in my life) Sleep on an overnight train Go backpacking Have a pillow fight Travel solo (Mexico, Guatemala) Take a sick day when you’re not ill Tell someone you love them when they haven’t said it first (MusicMan!) Help bring a life into this world - puppies, kittens, babies anything! (kittens and I saw a friend’s baby being born) Go skinny dipping Run a Marathon Try surfing Ride in a gondola in Venice See a total eclipse Get up to watch a sunrise Pursue a dream (am still slaving away at that novel and have ticked a number of countries off my travel list) See one of the great waterfalls in person - Victoria, Niagara, Iguazu Visit the birthplace of your ancestors See how a traditional indigenous community live (Mayan villages in southern Mexico and Guatemala) Learn a second language (Spanish) Decide you have enough money to be truly satisfied Go rock climbing or abseiling (loved rock climbing when I was young, but am now a scaredy cat) See Michelangelo’s David in Italy (perfection) Sing karaoke Participate in a demonstration or some form of social/political activism Buy a stranger a meal Climb the Sydney Harbour Bridge (I’ve walked it, but have never climbed over the top) Walk on a beach by moonlight Make love somewhere you could get caught Be transported in an ambulance Break the law (Hmm, illegal substances, theft, jay walking, is that enough for me to be a “bad girl”?) Do something you know is reckless (This is a long list, but I will admit to the stupidity of hitch hiking) Get your portrait drawn/painted Go deep sea fishing See the Sistine Chapel in person (breath taking) Climb to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris Go scuba diving or snorkeling Come face to face with real poverty and don’t look away Kiss in the rain Play in the mud Fall in love Have your heart broken Get married Have children Buy your own home Go to a drive-in theater Appear on television or in a movie (was on the news) Visit the Great Wall of China Start your own business Take a martial arts class (Karate - I sucked) Visit Africa Volunteer to help the needy Sell Girl Scout Cookies Go dolphin or whale watching Buy someone flowers for no reason Donate blood, platelets or plasma Go sky diving Visit a Nazi Concentration Camp (Dachau - eerie and horrible, but necessary) Fly in a helicopter Save a favorite childhood toy (still have my first teddy on my dressing table) See the Pope, the Dalai Llama or another religious head (I saw the Pope in Mexico - it was insane!) Eat Caviar Stand in Times Square See a monkey, tiger or another exotic animal in the wild (wild monkey tried to jump on MusicMan) Get fired from a job See the Changing of the Guards in London Break a bone (toe) Ride on a speeding motorcycle (dad’s a bike lover s I have been on bikes my whole life) See the Grand Canyon in the USA Get a book published Visit the Vatican See the coral of the Great Barrier Reef, Australia Buy a brand new car Walk in Jerusalem Have your picture in the newspaper Read the Bible or the Koran or another religious text in full Visit the White House Kill and prepare an animal for eating Save someone’s life (my brother’s when we were kids) Sit on a jury Confront your fears (heights - climbed a volcano, spiders - held one) Admit to someone you lied or made a big mistake See the Pyramids of Egypt Swim in the Dead Sea

nov 5 2009 ∞
nov 14 2009 +