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  • rin
  • sep 10; virgo
  • she/her

I'm not sure what to say about myself other than that I rt a lot of art, sob about my favs, and make my opinions known if I have any. I don't censor myself for the sake of my friends, but I also don't go out of my way to be a jerk. I guess something worth noting is that I have strong opinions about the things I feel strongly about - whether they be positive or negative - and that might be off putting to some? but that's simply how I roll lmao

my replies tend to be long because I can't cut myself short ever, and I also tend to go on a tangent when I'm ranting about something, so I apologize for all my word vomiting

not everyone likes to make their opinions too public, but I encourage people venting to let off some pent up steam. if we're mutuals, feel free to hit me up through dms to rant whenever you want and about whatever you want! I really do believe it's better to talk about these things than letting them bottle up, so I'd be glad to lend an ear

other than that, have some quotes from my friends

  • "soft like hokke"
  • "rin is a beautiful person, she's so lovely and really fun to talk to, she honestly deserves the world"
  • "you give off an air of being prone to lecturing & u certainly wouldnt hesitate to drag someone but ur also very caring of ur juniors&friends and very respectable and reliable! also keito is my fave and u are also my fave so"

oh! and on a final note; if we're mutuals, please don't hesitate to softblock or block me if you ever get tired of seeing me around. your comfort and well-being matters most, so don't feel like you have to be trapped in a mutualship with me. I'd also personally rather people like spending time with me instead of "enduring" it, therefore that would be the best for both of us :>

aaaand I really do prefer softblocking over unfollowing because chances are high I wouldn't notice you unfollowed me right away and I'd feel embarrassed finding out late

okay yeah that's it I guess. thanks for making it this far

oct 16 2016 ∞
nov 10 2017 +