100% - 95%

  • I'm doing great! Most likely in an Ouma shift or possibly even an Ayato or an Akira shift. Please message me! :)

90% - 85%

  • I'm doing good! Go ahead and message! Probably an Ouma shift!

80% - 75%

  • This is where my mood normally fluctuates. Go ahead and message if you want!

70% - 65%

  • I tend to be a bit moody. Normally in a Kanato shift or a (BTD2) Farz shift during this time. You can message me but I might snap at you.

60% - 55%

  • It's a depressing day and I'm just having one of my terrible mood swings. Might be in an Azusa shift or a (TINR) Farz shift. You can message me, but be aware that it might get dark.

50% - 45%

  • People are probably screwing with my friends, meaning I'm very upset and I need to let out my anger somehow. That or I'm sick and I'm complaining. Best not to message me during this time.

40% - 35%

  • I might be having one of my breakdowns or panic attacks. Please send comforts. Yoonbum shift possibly.

30% - 25%

  • Possibly feeling very invalid. Sweet messages, comments, and tags would be very appreciated.

20% - 15%

  • I'm spiraling down the depression hole.

10% - 5%

  • I'm probably on the verge of h*rming myself.


  • ...

One of THOSE moods

  • Sano's having a C//n mood oops.
dec 1 2017 ∞
jun 15 2018 +