Host Triggers

  • Do not EVER try and force me into a new fandom. EVER. I have had very bad experiences in the past with this, way too many might I add, and it WILL cause me to breakdown and/or snap at you.

Character Triggers

  • Kanato - The mention of Cordelia or even a picture of her & rain (sometimes).
  • Sano - C/a/i/n Z/e/i/t/g/e/i/s/t, "Him and I" by Halsey and G-Eazy, "Bumblebees Are Out" by Jack Stauber, physical contact (grabbing, hugging, just touching in general).
  • Farz (BTD2) - A certain sad memory that Vinny has mentioned before & the CG with Vinny and C//n.
  • Farz (TINR) - The bad things that Raven has done & TINR Strade.
apr 15 2018 ∞
may 11 2018 +