b4 you follow (you dont have to read the full thing but its just how i am ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ
- please be 18+! sometimes the stuff i like may be borderline nsfw and i may make nsfw text jokes. i also will rt nudity / stuff that would be considered nsfw but uhh not porn
- i'm against the following: transphobia, lgbtq/queerphobia, misgynogy, ableism, MRA, Gam3rG4te friendly, TERF, ship underaged/incestual, racist, Islamphobic, antisemetism. I'm not looking for debates cuz I don't owe anyone my patience and time.
- I tend to use queer as a word to describe lgbtq stuff/myself so if you need that cw'd let me know
- I will follow back sometimes but usually I don't because I missed the notif/I'm not sure if we'll be compatible?
- feel free to ask me for cw/tws!
- if you're uncomfortable with following me, feel free to tell me/softblock me. if you don't want me on your tl anymore feel free to softblock/unfollow me! I will also softblock when need be
- I really really do not like "animespeak" (interjecting japanese words randomly into speech) and weeb culture. I also hate the kpop fandom version of this
- the handholding lewd joke is really stupid
- I tend to generalize white people so if you're uncomfortable w that it's probably not fun 2 follow me
- i'm like a bit slow on. social cues. sometimes i rt stupid shit. please let me know if i fuck up.
cw/tws for me
- please cw spiders and spidery looking bugs, suicide by hanging, and incest
interest related stuff
- I'm generally not super fond of the following
- detriot: become human
- fire emblem fates
- I do like some of the characters in fefates but in general my opinion on it is that it was a bad ripoff game. I really like Niles from that game, but I won't ever defend the writing/tropes/abusive behaviors he shows in the game and I don't think he's a good character
- i dont like yoko taro
- i fucking hate lore olympus the comic sucks
- i trashtalk nier/drakengard. yes i liked them.
- gacha games are inherently bad because you gamble. not sorry. yea i play them
ffxiv unpopular opinions
- i REALLY dont like sphene.
- I like minfillia. while she isn't my favorite character, i think she was written badly and potentially could have been a similar character to aymeric
- wuk lamat defender
- ascians are kind of stupid but im also sorry to say their aesthetics are my jam
- i don't really like zenos/heavensward/asahi but i don't really hate them either
- themis imo is a short adult, i am also short adult… idk whats going on w elidibus at the end of 5.3 but understandable if u dont like this interpretation
- i don't like the estinien/ysayle ship
- i don't like seeing alphinaud/alisaie being shipped with older chars because their age is very ambiguously still 16 (crushes are okay, but sex is a huge no)
- same above for ryne/gaia
- I'll sideeye you probably if you have an ~18 wol shipped with underage chars if you're over 20 but I don't think it's necessarily bad (unless you think about it nsfw wise... then get out of here.)
- wolnpc ships are absolutely fine. go wild.
- emet-selch is like. valid to hate him. i think his char is fun but he does suck ass
- i hate koji fox
- theres a lot of unaddressed imperialism in ffxiv and ill criticize that
- i think its fine to play the game suboptimally as long as it isnt like. making the run go bad/wiping (this excludes like expecting ppl at a certain lvl of play in savage/ex but honestly even if ur think ur not good at the game i say its good to try and learn!)
- on that note i do complain about df sorry
- i luv venat
- hermes is my babygirl
- i play pvp. it sucks so bad in there
- susanoo is the sexiest boss
jun 22 2018 ∞
feb 17 2025 +