Republic to Empire (A vicious circle)
- Roman army = citizens
- Citizens ~~ Small Farmers
Step 1
- Rome expands
- Citizens on duty for LONG periods of time
Step 2
- Citizens are selling land to wealthy patricians (who also happen to be the generals of the army)
Step 3
- Wealthy folks buy slaves (more slaves lead to more wars) for estates (latifundia)
- Wealthy folks grow cash crops instead of food
- Small farmers/citizens move to urban slums
Step 4
Step 5
- Who is in the army?
- Urban poor who owe loyalty to their commanders
- Not the Roman Republic (not the entire state)
- Generals compete in civil wars
- Example: Disliking other generals and going to war a lot
31 BCE:
- Octavian Caesar establishes a permanent dictatorship
The Roman Empire (31 BC - 476 AD)
- The structure of the empire
- ~50-60 million people
- 20% Urban
Pax Romana (Pax = Peace, Romana = Rome; Pax Romana = Peace Rome)
- Conquests largely completed by 100 AD
- Safety!
- Commerce!
Roman Strengths
- Engineering/Architecture!
- Roads!!!
- Arches!
- Aqueducts!
- Often built by the army (primarily used for military usage anyway)
- NOT designed to increase productivity of labor
- Never bothered to think about mechanization (labor saving devices) because they had so many slaves on hand
- Merchants enjoy relatively high social status
- Imports (Imports a lot of food and supplies)
- Exports (Exports all of their artsy and merchandise)
- Decorative Metal
- Vase
- Pots
- Emperors are worshipped as gods
- Classical pantheon explains human characteristics
Mystery Cults
- Extreme religious group
- Asian/Middle eastern ecstatic/mystical religions
- Isis
- Mithras
- Jesus
- Competition?