''once upon a time before there was so much content online it was easier to do things that make you happy. nowadays it’s easier to give up because you feel like it’s a competition, or that it’s only for people who are more talented. it may be harder to do art and dance and sing and play a game for fun when you see all the best art in the world on instagram and all the viral videos on youtube. so this is a gentle reminder that people don’t post their failures, that social media is an illusion and it’s ok to take time off your them, to put yourself back in perspective and do things u love because you love it''
''sometimes things are just bad for no reason. it doesn’t mean that you deserve it or that everything is hopeless. sometimes things will work themselves out, sometimes good things will happen. if you had good days before, you will have them again. so if you’re not feeling well, please keep going. there is a chance that tomorrow will be a good day.''