Okay to get the OCD planner system down, you’re gonna need three things.

  • Planner

I only get planners that have tabbed monthly calendar and weekly calendars included all in one. So at the beginning of the semester, I will take the syllabus I get from every class and write in when homework assignments or projects are due and when I have exams. Once you have all of that put into your tabbed monthly calendar, it helps you prioritize which assignment you are going to do next or what class you will study for.

Now let’s fast forward. Pretend syllabus week is over and you’re actually starting to get homework assignments to do and chapters to read. In the weekly calendar portion of the planner, I will write the class and its respective assignment. But I won’t just write the assignment that is due by the next class, I write down what I have to do for that class for the remainder of that week AND what I have to do by the end of next week. Once you finish with your classes for that day, you can move onto the next step.

  • Sticky Notes

I like to have Sticky Notes that are around 4in x 6in and have lines for this next step in the process. I will look at my weekly calendar and start highlighting the assignments that are important to do ASAP. Once you pick which of the assignments are important to do for that week, you can start prioritizing the assignments on the Stick Note. Place the Sticky Note overtop of the day in your weekly calendar and number the assignments in order of which they need to be done in.

Now you have your assignments organized and prioritized by importance!

  • Weekly Calendar With Times

I use a template I created for the last step in this process. I tend to work with this weekly calendar on Sundays so that I can plan out my whole week. I will colour code when I have to be in class, when I need to be asleep by, when I need to be at work, when I can relax, and when I should do homework or study.

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