today's topic: improvisation MEH. not my favorite course. so i found i WAY shorter route to get to nyfa from union square 14th street station...WAY SHORTER! amazing. we're all used to each other and talk casually...i love everyone! they're so sweet. out teacher for today is christina; very intense. for almost two hours we spent taking notes about improv. so overwhelming and scary!

  • who (character)- arctypes
  • what (theme) - main event; dramatic conflict
    • act I - set up, introduction, stasis
    • act II - test, trial, dilemma
    • act III - resolution, 'the new them'
  • where (enviroment) - continent, country, state, landscape, town/city/neighborhood/street, the five senses
  • when (time) - period, decade, year/month/day, hour
  • why (motivation/justification)
  • actions - sent to the other character
    • inner and outer
  • objective - what do you need/want/achieve/goal, what do i want the other person to do or feel?
  • obsatcles - in self/others/enviroment/circumstances
  • moment before - character's history/bio
    • 20 minutes of emotional preparation, improving sense + memory,
    • WHAT IF & AS IF
  • stakes - intensity level
  • relationship - POV or subsititution
  • reaction - emotional response
  • subtexts - thoughts or facing the unexpencted, inner monologue + images

then we did a few improv activities, very fun. loveeee nyfa! its okay to be weird, cause we all are (:

oct 11 2010 ∞
oct 15 2010 +