scene study with will. played the ball game again. and another game called 'please give me the ball' (flirtatious smile) ;) haha will is hilarious...drops the f bomb in every sentence he says. "if it's not about acting, THEN IT DOES NOT BELONG IN THIS CLASS! wait, i'm being so fucking ridiculouos." "GET IN THE FUCKING CAR!!" " your standing position says, 'he's SUCH an asshole!" homework: imagine an event and relationship for the series of contentless dialogue A: Wow, would you look at that! B: That is really something A: Should we go down there? B: I don't know about that. A: (Beat) Let's do it. Come on (Exits) B: (Beat) Here we go... - the end -

nov 14 2010 ∞
nov 25 2010 +