• i have this poem i like. it goes, one fish, two fish, red fish, holocaust (ls).
  • my ex boyfriend's family was in the mob. it made me feel powerful (jk).
  • hey, christians party hard. did you hear about sodom and gomorrah? (ls)
  • how is he not gay? i dunno...it's like he's transcended sexuality (lia, on singing jeremy)
  • sometimes there's like...seepage that you don't know about. (jk)
  • tomorrow, i need to make a tiny christmas hat for a ferret. (me)
  • you know what i don't have? pity. i have no fucking pity. (lia, playing skyrim).
  • if you ever need an abortion, i'm just going to fus rodah you in the stomach. because the stomach is where the baby lives. (" ") (I'm a doctorologist)
  • what's cool is that i can light her on fire, and she won't die. and that's why she's my best friend
  • i play with my hair because i get nervous./ whore yourself out why don't you (jazzi/lia)
  • I once got propositioned by a couple with username ssthreesome. As if they were on a boat that they wanted me to climb aboard. I responded. I did. They earned it. (Jenna)
  • bitches use to drink out of them motherfuckers. in ancient times. (kylixes)
  • remember the titans isn't that good of a movie. but i like the soundtrack. (anna)
  • he's not autistic, he just really likes me. ls
  • Jenna's dumb socks betrayed her--ls
  • megan's an anomaly, she's wearing 4 party hats.--ls
  • girl who died...fat husband...britnney murphy!--jenna
  • i wish i was lunette, from the big comfy couch--megan
  • just wait like two hours, she'll have stockholm syndrome and be all over you (lia, about ariel)
  • are you into that? no, but, i guess. jenna
  • i want to hit on other men and break all da heartz.--jazzi
  • i have an excellent hooker shoe collection--jazzi
  • "F*** her lazy piece of s*** get off your a** and do something you privileged f***." --Aidan Crane
  • Patrick has a dent in his chest. I didn't even know that was a real thing until I saw it. I thought he was dying. Jazzi
  • what was most admirable about Robespierre and the Jacobins was that the revolution always eats its own young. That's the glory of the guillotine.--Aidan Crane
  • I don't really have any brakes right now.--AK (taxi driver)
  • she had a speech impediment, but that's no excuse--Jenna
  • i only like it because i was a nerd child who grew up in a very bougie church--ak
  • Thanks, Zuckerberg. Love you, you fucking sociopath darling.-jenna
  • I need a canyon for my cries over that episode.--jenna
  • the naked biscuit lust on my face--caitlin
sep 18 2011 ∞
apr 12 2013 +