- create a blog, similar to FAILBLOG, dealing entirely with instances of Sustainability Fail
- There’s no greater tragedy than an equal intensity, in the same soul or the same man, of the intellectual sentiment and the moral sentiment. For a man to be utterly and absolutely moral, he has to be a bit stupid. For a man to be absolutely intellectual, he has to be a bit immoral. I don’t know what game or irony of creation makes it impossible for man to be both things at once. And yet, to my misfortune, this duality occurs in me. Endowed with both virtues, I’ve never been able to make myself into anything. It wasn’t a surfeit of one quality, but of two, that made me unfit to live.
- Fernando Pessoa
- http://hilobrow.com/2009/08/29/living-in-the-feral-city/, http://www.sweet-juniper.com/2010/06/more-feral-houses.html
- abandonment as reenchantment
- lost city forest in the arboretum
- http://mrtopp.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/ferris_wheel-484x512.jpg
- study movements in general
- "we are so alienated that many people never have any meaningful conversations in their lives at all." from an article on personal branding and life coaching, on why life coaches are helpful
- photoalbumtitled "Wonders"
- antitarsands
- when I'm a professional artist with shows up in galleries around the world, I'm going to use candles instead of electrical lights. it will be part of the art.
- I think I'm more about the people than about the machines or the laws. how can I shift my work to reflect that? it's not like I'm a credible spokesperson.
- did you know that after the big ol' manifest destiny land grab in the westward expansion, the U.S. government claimed all of the land that was left for itself and crammed the native inhabitants of the land onto reservations. all the money from BLM land sales goes back to the government. give that money to Indians. geez. better yet, return the damn land. I feel like an american asshole working for an organization (that I love) that builds the trail of tears instead of preserving and protecting the motherland of the people who got exiled on it. campaigning for this funding to go back to land purchase by white americans feels like supporting continuing oppression, even though the organization's mission is good and its supporters are good-hearted people. is this the only way to preserve land? do we have to work within the unjust system in order to do the most good possible?
- a 1998 Carnegie Mellon study found that if you spend a few hours online a week, you have higher depression and loneliness levels than infrequent surfers. (and look at me, making lists on the internet.)
- there is no human touch in new communication methods.
- the UW offers a great program in environmental education.
- we judge the weather to be good or bad, rather than realizing that it just is.
- distributive energy rather than industrial energy
- connection between poverty and injustice.
- more poverty -> less power -> more poverty
- no constituency, no ability to fight $ power of large companies that have no stake in the land or the people they exploit. (Majora Carter, Jan Bender Shetler)
- Charter Street plant is the biggest coal plant in Wisconsin; ask Gov. Doyle to shut it down!
- how can it be true that we are not evolving, even now? you can't say we're not "up to" something when we haven't had a need to manifest our ability to confront it. but I do like this idea of world leaders having this colorblindness to an entire dimension of experience - the complexity of life on a globalized scale being so incomprehensible in its purest form. perhaps plato's cave metaphor applies? the THINGS we see here on earth are mere SHADOWS of the FORMS that truly exist in some higher reality, and we have no means of processing them, and no means of knowing that we have no means of processing them. Make sense? I didn't think so :)
- Segregating "plus-size" models in "special" issues like Glamour and V Magazine have done only serves to further seperate "plus-size" models from "real" (that is, ultra skinny) models and establish them as the "other." This is not the way to go about celebrating new kinds of beauty (not to mention the fact that these models are not actually plus-size). http://www.care2.com/
- proposals vs. advocacy
- proposals = everybody <3 everybody
- advocacy = sketch out a path from here to there.
- proposals are all well and good, but advocacy gets us somewhere. but it takes more work, and more time.
- getting to Indianapolis via public transit is virtually impossible. And it's supposed to be the crossroads of America.
nov 24 2009 ∞
nov 10 2010 +