the pros of staying with environment wisconsin for 40 hours a week and not working for the ice age trail alliance
- only 3 bosses, instead of 4
- shorter commute
- easier to keep track of work schedule
- more opportunities for advancement within RENEW or PNTS (PNTS would be the priority, though)
- possibly better for running schedule?
- less guess-work in duties/orientation
- not spreading myself too thin
the cons of staying exclusively with environment wisconsin
- extensive time with certain co-workers might make me go crazy
- I wouldn't get to go out to Cross Plains twice to three times a week; I'd be stuck in Madison
- I wouldn't get the experience of working with trails at the ground level
- I wouldn't get to see the connections between the work I'm doing at PNTS and one of the national trails. it's a lonely, from-the-top view and feels very impersonal.
- routine, boredom
- Sierra Club isn't going to up my hours no matter what
- I'm kind of hoping for a different (less office-y) kind of work
- won't get experience in a different area
ice age trail pros
- more variety
- travel time
- work with trails at the ground level
- maybe develop some leadership skills as a volunteer coordinator or something?
- connections
- guarantees me enough work
- outdoors (hopefully)
- experience
ice age trail cons