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    • (1/100), may 15th: i started my day okay. i woke up at 6 am and folded the bed blankets, stretched and drank prune juice and ate papaya, then ate chicken ham with rice. i then began reading through my math 9 module and reviewing for ap. after that, i studied korean. but then i started getting allergies, so i tidied up my room and got sleepy after. i took a nap, and woke up in the evening - and then i started to get lazy. i ate a junior kfc zinger and watched ytw and did not manage to exercise. this day could've gone better, but it was okay.


    • (2/100), may 16th: it was a wonderful day. i feel happier and more satisfied. i woke up and folded the blankets, i didn't get to drink prune juice or eat papaya since there was none left of either, nor did i get to do my morning stretches. but i ate breakfast early, drank lots of water and finished my math module and answered one mastery test, then i started working on korean grammar and learning korean vocabulary on memrise. and then i started learning pronunciations and pronouns for french. and then i exercised for 10 minutes (aerobics). then i watched you're the worst's finale and organised my notes. and then i read killing stalking,journaled and ate dinner and discovered new music! then i did my nightly stretches and washed my face and brushed my teeth and went to sleep. it was a pretty productive and happy day. i'm thankful for that.


    • (3/100), may 17th: it was an okay day. i woke up and folded my blankets, did my morning stretches, washed my face and brushed my teeth and ate an egg mcmuffin for breakfast. i then studied math and answered one mastery test but did not get to succeed in answering module 4 lesson 3's mastery test. i will do it tomorrow. then i memorised some korean vocabulary on memrise and studied some grammar. i was a little confused with 적 and 스럽게 but maybe if i read more korean passages, listen to korea music, and watch korean movies/dramas, i'll get it. i did not get to study french because i tried to fit my schedule (i studied korean for too long). so then, i decided to fold the laundry and went grocery shopping with mom. but first we stopped at a cute korean store (i didn't understand much of the things written on the products, i need to study more vocabulary) where i then saw my friend isabella coincidentally! i regret not having to be enthusiastic when i met her. i felt too... bad at the time. then, we bought pens (i love the new pens sm, and i love mom for buying them for me) and ate. i ate goldilocks egg pie and a few fried crab sticks then we finally went grocery shopping and went home. i then went home and took a nap, woke up and blogged for a bit for my new langblr blog, ate dinner (bangus & chapseuy and 1 cup of rice) and washed my face then watched bnha s2 ep 5-7 with my mom. i then did my nightly stretches and went to bed. i'm upset that i didn't get to exercise, but i also feel alright. it was a lazy, relaxed kind of day somehow. i feel great.


    • (4/100), may 18th: it was a good day. i woke up and folded the blankets, did my morning stretches and washed my face and brushed my teeth and ate bangus sardines and 1 cup of rice for breakfast. i reviewed for math, and it was so hard, i didn't really get it at first but i continued on studying and ended up answering 2 mts! then i focused on korean vocab on memrise, searched up good korean resources on my langblr, then read a short story entirely in korean and actually understood it! but i didn't understand much of the nouns and particles and vocabulary, but i understood it when i linked all the missing pieces while i listed down what they meant in a vocabulary page in my notebook. and then i exercised for 10 minutes. then i washed my face and brushed my teeth and went to sleep. i didn't get to study french today, didn't i read the books i downloaded the other day, didn't get to know more about day6, and also didn't watch a movie and show/cartoon/anime from my watchlist. i think tomorrow i'll focus on all of that.


    • (5/100), may 19th: it was a bad day. i'm actually writing this in may 20th, since it was that bad of a day i even forgot to update this listography. but i'll try my best to remember what really happened. i woke up, folded the blankets and did my morning stretching and did my morning routine. and then i ate some dried eggs and rice and drank prune juice for breakfast. then i started studying math, but i just couldn't get it. i couldn't understand how to graph linear inequalities - i could understand a thing. i didn't even study korean because i was too caught up with math, then eventually forgot about french and then when it was time to exercise i did and then showered, and then tried to do the math again and didn't do anything else - but i still couldn't get it. until it was already nighttime and i chatted with kenji whom was very kind enough to help me with it, but i was too sleepy to continue answering my math modules so i did my night routine and went to sleep. (i forgot to take vitamins). but before i slept a read a little of the wisdom of insecurity by allan watts, i could barely understand it. next time, i'll have to highlight the words i don't understand. and then after i read it i couldn't sleep, i was up until 2:30 am. but at least it wasn't like before, at least this time, i actually eventually slept. it was a really bad day...


    • (rest/100), may 20th: today is saturday, so i'm taking a break. i did my morning routine and morning stretching all the same. i still studied korean, too. today i've decided to change my routine for the next weeks and also abort studying french. i'd like to focus on korean more before venturing into french. i didn't exercise, which is sad; i wanted to even though it was my rest day. and then i watched night's tightrope, a japanese movie, but i only had time to watch half of it. and i also rewatched some bee and puppycat. and then i did my night stretching, night routine, took my vitamins, lotioned bc i have really dry skin, and went to sleep.


    • (rest/100), may 21st: today is sunday, so i've took a rest. i still folded the blankets and did my morning stretches, didn't get to wash my face or brush my teeth bc i started watching some bee and puppycat and got caught up. and then i studied korean, lesson 18. and then wrote some excerpts about myself in korean. and then i watched svtfoe with mom and she liked it! i didn't get to exercise AGAIN (i need to exercise more, really.) but i did get to shower and finish shaun of the dead. it's a funny movie, pretty gory. but it was awesome and edgar wright's directing was cool. watching this made me want to watch in the flesh again, although it's discontinued. and then i did my night routines and read wisdom of insecurity and went to sleep. tomorrow i get to be fully productive agaiinnn yay, lol.


    • (6/100), may 22nd: today is monday. i folded my blankets, did my morning stretching, washed my face, brushed my teeth, had two cups of water and prune juice. i then studied korean (lesson 18 & 19) and read a little of the korean workbooks i downloaded, but did not get to work on my vocab on memrise. i then studied math, finished the MTs of m5l1 and m5l2 and finished the module lessons of both of those lessons, too. i then exercised, but only for seven minutes. i was feeling too lazy to fully work out my body so all i did were crunching, high knees, jumping jacks and wall pushups and such. i read through my langblr and figured out what courses i wanted for college. i followed more writing blogs because i want to get back into writing again and then i did my night routine and nightly stretches and went to sleep.


    • (7/100), may 23rd: today is tuesday. i folded my blankets, did my morning stretching, washed my face, brushed my teeth and ate papaya and drank prune juice and drank water. i then studied math for awhile, but i kept getting distracted. i didn't get to answer any new MTs, but i did finish m5l4's module lesson. i then re-read one of my favorite books, 'every day' by david levithan, because i wanted to warm up for writing but i didn't get to write. i also read a little from alan watts's wisdom of insecurity and mark manson's how to not give a fuck which is hilarious. and then i studied korean and learned new vocabs and verbs from the korean workbook i downloaded. i continued listing down all my possible college courses i want to take, and all the job occupations i could get with the degree of my choice. but sadly, i did not get to exercise... i'm very disappointed in that. and then i did my night routine, did my nightly stretching and read 'every day' again and went to sleep. this day wasn't really productive. i hope tomorrow i can do everything i've been longing to do properly.


    • (8/100), may 24th: i'm writing today's entry in korean! 오늘은 수요일이다. 2017년 5월 24일. 아침에 난 스트레칭했고 얼굴이 씻었어. 그리고 난 물을 2개 컵 마시고 했다. 그뒤에, 난 "Attachments"을 읽이했어. 그뒤에, 난 한글을 공부하고있었는데, 결국 "라 라 랜드" 영화가 보고있었다. 너무 제밌고 슬퍼도 같았어. 결국에 그 두 주인공들이 함깨있을지 않았어. (스포스포 ㅋㅋㅋ 미안). 그뒤에 난 수학을 공부했어... 그런데 진짜 이해않가. 너무 어렵다. 그래서 난 한글은 또 공부했다. 이번에 난 진짜 집중했다. 오늘 한글에 난 어떻게 문재를 물어하다 배웠어. 어떻게 "왜"를 문장에 사용된했고 그럴 것을 배웠어. 그리고 메므라이즈에 난 속어 시험을 봤어. 결국은 많은 새러운 말들이 배웠어, 그래서 난 진짜 행복하다. 그다움에 난 운동을 했어. 7분에: 난 스트레칭, 크런칭, 스쿼트도 그럴 것 했다. 운동을 진짜 시원하다! 그뒤에 난 샤워했고 수학을 또 공부했다. 이번에이 수학 교훈을 마지막으로 이해했다. 뭐, 저끔만여도 그것은 충분히다. 그다움에 난 "Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind" 영화를 봐했어! 진짜 아름답다. 이야기는 완벽해. 시작에서 이야기를 저끔 이상했다. 그런데 잠시만 후에 이해되기 시작했다. 그되에 난 얼굴이 씻고, 밤 스트레칭했고 "Wisdom of Insecurity"를 읽이했다. 마지막으로, 난 자고 했다. all in all, it was a happy and entertaining day, and i finally pulled through finishing at least two movies in a day!


    • (9/100), may 25th: today i am happy, although it was sort of a lazy day, i felt content. in the morning i did my usual morning routine, stretched, washed my face and brushed my teeth and drank prune juice and water. and then i did my morning reading. i read attachments for a little while, and then the subtle art of not giving a fuck. saongaf is super funny, and very motivational too, strangely. the part i read mostly made a point about the backwards law, which was also mentioned in alan watts' book that i'm reading. it basically means that chasing a positive experience and wishing for it desperately in itself is a negative experience. and that accepting the whole fact that there will be negative experiences inevitably, already is the positive experience. strangely, i found that comforting. knowing that everything is either not chaos or chaos, not sad or sad, but not entirely anything overly-positive, and knowing that it is by no means just me. it happens to everyone. everyone is somewhat a mess, and to be happy is to just accept all our messes, let them lay there like dirty laundry and decide to clean them up once and a while when we finally feel like we're not so much a mess and re-do it all over. i'm just rambling now. anyways, after that, i just sort of lazed around. i didn't feel like studying korean and math. so i just took a nap and then that's where i tried to study korean. i only took down notes, though. i didn't read my workbooks nor did i take tests on memrise for vocab. and i also didn't study ANYTHING in math! so, i feel guilty for that. but, i did get to exercise for ten minutes, and watch beauty and the beast (2017) with my family! and then i watched edge of 17 on my own, and i cried so much. almost all through out the movie. and it also repeated the message i read in saongaf earlier - that not everything has to be okay, and not everything will be okay, but that is also okay because everyone has these days. everything is fucked and messed up, and just like a general unspoken rule, we just have to live with it - and that in itself is a positive experience. and then i studied korean for a little bit (more like, just took down more notes), then wrote down some story ideas and then did my nightly routine - without nightly stretching - and went to sleep. 오늘 수고했어! 또 많은 좋은 날을 하세요!


    • (10/100), may 26th: this marks my 10th day of productivity! i am super happy. today i felt like i was soaring through the skies. when i woke up i did my usual morning routine and morning stretches. and then i read 'attachments' and rupi kaur's 'milk & honey' which is so amazing, i love their writing so much. everything is so squeezed into the extreme that you can feel the bleeding emotions through the page. then i also read a little of saongaf where i learned that not giving a fuck does not equal being indifferent. it's about giving a fuck about things that truly matter, things that ultimately needs importance and attention; that is, if we choose to give a fuck about it, since it should also be truly important as a whole and truly important for us. it shouldn't be important for the sake of it, but because we truly care about the matter and/or subject at hand. after that, i got lazy again, and decided to take a small one hour break. then i folded the laundry and talked alot with my parents. and then i finally started studying korean and a little math and finished mt6l1 and lesson 2. and then i just needed to finish lesson 2 of module 6 and i'd be done with module 6 but i just didn't understand any of it. so i watched khan academy's geometry basics and got the gist of the terms, but the lesson itself i did not understand. i got frustrated and decided to just read milk & honey again. i then got inspired to write. i wrote about a boy and a girl. the boy was a stereotype. and the girl was stereotypically weird. they were mundane and chaotic, mashed into one. and like all revolutionizing romances, they decide to make it complicated by complicating their own feelings which are already mutual and so simple. i need to work on the plot, maybe it could be worth something i'd enjoy writing. but i should also writing something i told my friends about, it's a brutal plot, which is why it's difficult to write out. i can't exactly depict torture and blood and action - but i can write about love and pain. isn't that funny? and after writing for a bit, i decided to exercise for ten minutes. and then i took a shower and watched episode one of wayward pines. and then i watched aladin with my family! well, technically, we rewatched it. but nonetheless, it was fun. and then i did my night routine, watched episode two of wayward pines and went to sleep.
may 15 2017 ∞
jun 1 2017 +