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If we're mutuals, I'd appreciate if you could tag any of the following. If you find for whatever reason that you can't or are unwilling to tag any of the subjects mentioned, I'll likely unfollow/softblock. Thank you in advance!

If you rather not tag each thing individually, please just tag it "edl" (in square brackets) or some other variant of [emi don't look].

  • Mentions or images depicting nooses, including talk of hanging yourself or someone else doing the same***
  • Mentions of suicide or self-harm**
    • p much any graphic or descriptive representation of committing or planning to kill yourself. it's a bit of a difficult thing to ask for, and if you ever need help i'm willing to provide it but... reading about or hearing the actual process often causes me to relapse myself so. please just do what you can!
  • The terms "stalker" or "stalking"
    • if you can't tag this, just avoid associating me with either term. whether you mean it jokingly or not, just..... don't...... do that. thanks.
  • IzuMako
dec 19 2016 ∞
dec 19 2016 +