the highlights (+) and the lowlights (-)
- december
- vacation has begun :D
- (---) finals T.T what is sleep idk
- november
- (--) korean video group project omg put in 12+ hours
- (++++++++) 11/16 INFINITE ONE GREAT STEP (-) bc scary insane pushing but didn't die or faint so yay
- (++) good grades :D
- (+) kccc retreat
- october
- (+) won sports day (tho i didn't play much :/)
- (+) finished anime snk, watamote, un-go
- (---) so much work and exams and football practice T.T
- september
- (++++) bought Infinite tickets!
- (++) saw Prisoners in theaters, watched Brokeback Mountain
- (++) watched the anime psycho pass
- (--) la prima
- (+) no period
- august
- (+/-) university started again
- (++) reading the manhwa girl of the wild and let dai and ofc still reading naruto
- (++) ANIME!!! finished code geass finally ;; still watching snk and watamote
- (-) bailed on again oop
- (------) one word: cousin
- july
- (++) 4minute/girl's day/infinite's comebacks
- (+++) I AM CAUGHT UP ON NARUTO!!! i read from ch592 to current
- (-------) my cousin is still here f m l
- june
- may
- (-------) my cousin omg
- (++) charli xcx/marina concert!
- (---) FINALS and e-PORTOLIO
- (---) stressful and boring month
- april
- (+) charli xcx's album is released
- (++) last full week of april = 4min+shinee comebacks
- (----) b o r i n g month t b h
- (-) still bored on twitter tbh
- (-) exams and research papers/wrt102 =_=
- march
- (++) bdt - religious training program
- (-) midterms
- (----) my bday was shit :--)
- (+++) kccc religious 2 day retreat
- (++) infinite comeback!! :D
- (-) bored on twitter tbh
- february
- (++) bdt -religious training program :)
- (+) shinee comeback tho the promos will be short...
- (-) pete wentz book signing is post-poned :/
- (-) walked on my roommate having post/sex D:
- january
- (+/-) winter break, did nothing
jan 29 2013 ∞
dec 23 2013 +