• today, i was walking through a pretty crowded courtyard area on campus. i tripped and since i couldn’t catch myself in time, i fell down on the ground. i was pretty embarrassed until the two guys next to me pretended to trip and fall…along with every single person who was walking through that area. thank you for making me feel a lot less embarrassed, guys. mlia.
  • today i was deciding between two books. then i noticed the cover of one of them matched my shorts. decision made. mlia.
  • today, while on a train, the person in the seat across from me yawned and stretched, extending his fist into the middle of the isle. i stole a fist bump from him. he laughed and i felt like i made a new friend. mlia.
  • today, i was hanging out at my brother’s apartment and while he was showering, i put my iPod on shuffle and began dancing in the living room. the dora the explorer theme song came on and i began to sing along. suddenly, a door opened and his room mate ran out singing along to the song at the top of his lungs, not realizing that i was there. we exchanged an awkward glance, then broke out into dance. i think i found my furure husband. mlia.
  • today, i was on a subway and someone’s watch was ticking quite loudly. i said “hmm, what is that mysterious ticking noise…” with a fake british accent. someone began singing the, “snape, snape, severus snape” tune. i yelled “dumbledore!”. we exchanged smiles. i think i’ve found my soulmate. mlia.
  • today, i was wearing my leather jacket and my aviators. people in the airport were looking at me like i was really cool, doing something rebellious on my macbook... little did they know, i was just playing neopets. mlia.
  • today my doorbell rang. when i opened there was a good looking guy standing in front of me. i smiled and he asked me in a somber voice: “have you ever taken the time to think about jesus christ our saviour?” i was just about to reply i had no time when he smiled at me and said: “i’m kidding - i just moved in next door, do you happen to have some wire?” - i think i might love him. mlia.
  • today i was talking to my boyfriend on facebook chat while he was in the computer lab at his school. i was ranting about my day and how i really needed a hug. his response? "i just hugged the computer monitor and now everyone's giving me weird looks." soulmates. mlia.
  • today, my boyfriend started webcam with me. i left my computer for a few minutes and when i came back, him and his roommate were putting on a puppet show for me. i'm certain i've chosen the right guy. mlia.
  • today, while looking in the religion section at the library i picked up the bible and some man standing next to me points to the book and says "the main character dies" and walks away. mlia.
nov 14 2009 ∞
dec 25 2009 +