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Horoscope Quickies for Pisces

    • The real thing is out there, but before it can come to you, you have to find the real thing within yourself. In other words, learn to love who you are and love will find you. That means all of you, not just the nice bits.
    • You're not making much progress, but resist the urge to give up. You're no quitter.
    • You don't have to know your destination. Make up the route as you go along.
    • When communicating, the important thing is the content, not the volume.
    • Don't do something just because someone says you should. Make up your own mind.
    • You must reduce your debt if you want to minimize the stress in your life. (How did they know?!?!?!? Scary.)
    • Be careful not to let your emotions for someone create illusions about who they are. (Hah, important words to live by!)
    • Patience is your lesson for today. Not everything will happen on your time table.
    • Being rational won't always help you figure out the answers. Go with your gut.
    • Stop being so tentative -- if you don't start picking a path, one will pick you.
    • They used to be called charlatans, today they're called con artists -- or salesmen. (hahaha..DEFINITELY)
    • No one will see you unless you step into the light. It feels good out there. (Scary feeling..sometimes it's easier to hide in the darkness but once you make the first step away from the's an out-of-body experience.)
    • Just because everyone else seems to conduct their love lives like soap operas, that doesn't mean you have to take any role offered. Work with your own script and reject any excess drama.
    • You've done a good job taking care of your health. Let others fix their bad habits.
    • You hate it when people poke their noses in your business, right? Hold your tongue.
    • Everyone knows you've got a big heart -- a huge one, in fact. You have enough room in there for those you love, of course, but also for anyone else who might need you -- or need anyone, for that matter. Your job today is to help those in that last category find what they're after, without feeling obligated to just provide it yourself. Don't try to become what they need to feel happy -- direct them toward it.
    • Toss out the clutter in your life -- fears, doubts -- use the extra space to thrive.


  • "Always trust those instincts and be willing to try something new with your life and your characters." -Thank you card from the lovely Julie Shelton (11/22/09)
  • "Remember that things grow in the valley, not on mountain tops." -Graduation card from my IB Mentor, Mrs. Brogan (5/19/07)
  • "Being in first place doesn't always make the best people or mean that they will be remembered for years to come. People remember someone who is kind, compassionate of others, and most importantly humble." -Said by my Mom every time I came home disappointed and frustrated with myself.
  • "Never think that you're not good enough belief is that in life people will take you very much at your own reckoning." -Reflection for the day in the Boston Globe by Anthony Trollope (Sometime in 2003)

Fortune cookie messages I've kept over the years

    • There is no medicine to cure hatred.
    • You have an active mind and a keen imagination. Apply your ideas.
    • Your determination will bring you much success.
dec 11 2009 ∞
jul 17 2010 +