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⠀ᴛʜᴇʏ sᴀʏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡᴏʀʟᴅ’s ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴏʏsᴛᴇʀ
⠀⠀ᴍᴀɴ, ʙᴜᴛ ᴏʏsᴛᴇʀs ᴀɪɴ’ᴛ ғᴏʀ ᴍᴇ

mæria (música)
25 (readings)

MBTI is about a preferred cognitive process, not personality or behaviour. It determines how you process and view situations and take decisions. All the MBTI types might choose the same answer but how they reached it is different. The process, in this case, is more important than the outcome.


    • Everyone uses introversion and extraversion, sensing and intuition, and thinking and feeling. If you hear something like "i'm a thinker because i don't care about other people's feelings" or "i'm a feeler because i am overly sensitive" that's bullshit and those people need to grow up.
    • MBTI doesn't determine if someone is organized, intelligent, fair or whatever adjective you think. it can explain behaviours but not justify them.
    • If you wanna take MBTI seriously don't go for online tests, especially those who solely rely on the dichotomy (aka the letters). None of these will give you your true type (they even might, but chances are you gonna get it wrong).
    • MBTI is about cognitive preference. You can be a down-to-earth intuitive and a creative-as-hell sensor, but it all comes down to which functions you prioritize, and then, how you reach your goal. Mind you though, you don't get to pick which ones you use; your brain has already decided what it likes to use so when i say prioritize it's in an unconscious way.
    • This is a collection of all my thoughts on the subject. Whenever i use personal pronouns is an indicator that the info might be wrong. Otherwise, probably is not (just lightly explained). However take everything here in a broad way and with a grain of salt. I might be wrong but everything here makes sense to me so eh, if it works it's fine.
    • ᴘ.s.: you will easily notice which ones aren't my main functions so bear with me.


introversion vs. extraversion ( I・E )

  • Introverted functions ( Si, Ni, Fi, Ti ) prioritize the internal over the external. It's about you and your own; it's particular and personal. I could say it's strict, conservative, hard to let go and slow.
  • Extraverted functions ( Se, Ne, Fe, Te ) prioritize the external over the internal. It's about other people; the society, the world. It's malleable, open, can easily change sides, and fast.
      • this has nothing to do with energy levels, number of friends, or if you're outgoing or a social person. those details are irrelevant. you can be a party animal having an introverted dominant function as you can be a stereotypical bookworm hermit with an extraverted dominant function.
      • the priority here is correlated with gratification.

sensing vs. intuition ( S・N )

  • Sensing functions ( Si, Se ) are about the real, physical, concrete, material world. It's about what it is and what has been. They like it practical and objective, so there are no misunderstandings. They rely on the real world to achieve their dreams and to envision their future. They see a box of crayons as a box of crayons, then imagine what they could do with the crayons. For them, existence needs to be real, touchable, able, otherwise there's no point on just imagining; even if they like to imagine things, the act of imagination alone isn't fruitful if they cannot bring it to life (they're left longing for accomplishment).
  • Intuition functions ( Ni, Ne ) are about abstractions, patterns, ideas, "what if's". It's about what could be, what's the meaning, what's beyond, a ghost of the future. They like it broad and incomplete, so the possibilities are open for them to pick. They rely on their imagination to achieve their dreams and to envision their future. They see a box of crayons as what they could do with the crayons before realizing it's a box of crayons. For them, existence needs to be further, reachable, possible; they don't crave accomplishment like sensors, the mere thought already fulfils their core. They're only left longing when they're not allowed (by others or themselves) to drift into abstractions.

thinking vs. feeling ( T・F )

  • Thinking functions ( Ti, Te ) are about systems, thoughts, processes, organization methods. It's about truth, what makes sense and what works. They make good decisions when they put their feelings aside, without discarding them. Thinking functions don't care about feelings because if they succeed they can make themselves/others feel good. The reason behind the "Thinkers don't understand feelings" is because they crave precision and clarity (almost in a predictable way, i would say) and those are the complete opposite of what feelings are.
  • Feeling functions ( Fi, Fe ) are about feelings, ethics, morals, well-being, satisfaction. It's about what's right and what's appropriate. They make good decisions when they lend their emotions a spotlight without discarding their thoughts. Feeling functions don't care about thinking because if they succeed they have a good reason behind their excuses. And right now i'm gonna be biased and say that Feelers understand humanity and reality way better than Thinkers; i mean, that's where their intelligence relies: on emotional connections, and human beings are emotional beings first and foremost. They are the ones that can with most success navigate through relationships. (yeah that's... pretty biased... whatever).
      • ᴘ.s.: feelings are different from emotions. we all feel emotions the same way because it's a biological process. emotions are a reaction from the amygdala part of the brain, bla bla bla... thinking doms. can make bad decisions based on their emotions just like feeling doms.
      • or better, feelings are how you act on your emotions.
      • also, they're both rational functions; T is about book smarts and F is about people smarts.

perceiving vs. judging ( P・J )

  • As the last letter on the MBTI dichotomy, it's about closure. Not if you finish things per se but if you crave to. In a way, i would say P is a child (curious, exploring, innovative), everything is new and scattered and structure is painful for them; while J is an adult (certain, fixed, needs to get things done, doesn't have time or patience to explore), they need structure otherwise they'll feel lost and incompetent. In other words, the more "space" you give to a P, the more and better they will accomplish, where in a J's case they would languish and fail (after fruitlessly trying to put things in order).
        • e.g: in a metaphorical "giving directions" situation, the better you explain how to get from A to B, the happiest will be the J type. However, the vaguer you are, the happiest will be the P type.
  • It also indicates if your dominant function is a Judging type (T/F) or a Perceiving type (S/N).
  • Perceiving functions ( Ne, Si, Ni, Se ) are the "what am i seeing?". They’re responsible for taking/absorbing and storing/broadening information. They are somewhat naive and passive.
  • Judging functions ( Te, Fi, Ti, Fe ) are the "how/what i will do?". They’re responsible for taking action/reaching a conclusion/decision. They are nitpicky and assertive.
  • IxxP's and ExxJ's are judging types (lead with Ti, Fi, Te or Fe).
  • IxxJ's and ExxP's are perceiving types (lead with Ni, Si, Ne, Se).
  • This also means how open you are when taking any kind of new information and how willing you is to let go of something you've already selected (beliefs, ideas, dreams, goals, etc.). Extraverted functions are more open by default, then Perceiving ones, then Judging ones, and then Introverted ones.
  • So in a scale of openness/indecision: ExxP's > ExxJ's > IxxP's > IxxJ's.


function pairs

  • Perceiving: ⠀Ne - Si or Ni - Se.
  • Judging: ⠀Fi - Te or Fe - Ti.

how the pairs work  (not in order, works vice-versa)

  • By "default":
      • Ne - Si: broad about ideas, specific about details.
      • Ni - Se: specific about ideas, broad about details.
      • Te - Fi: how/what they think affect my feelings.
      • Fe - Ti: how/what they feel affect my thoughts.

how to build your function stack

  • You can do that by targeting your middle functions, your dominant, your inferior, etc. If you have a good (or a weird) sense of self, you may even do it by using your shadow functions. I, personally, am still figuring things out and taking it easy. Building your stack can take from weeks to years so be patient.
  • What i recommend is first and foremost understand the shit out of the functions. Study them separately (i like this blog a lot) then how they work with their pairs. Then when you're well acquainted with them aka being able to see them beyond behaviour, it's time to target.
  • It's easier to go after your Extraverted functions first since their reward and happiness relies on the external world. I say they "leak" through behaviour and speech patterns and you'll see undertones instead of strikingly the function itself (i don't even think that's possible). Even if some people confidently point a function in a person, i don't like this approach. I believe a constant and repetitive undertone is way more reliable.
  • Also, seriously, leave the Introverted ones for last because they're easy to confuse. I will use my example as i could easily see myself with the heavy moral-based Fi of INFP's (when i was mistyped) but in practice i never created morals myself, they were always external. "What's right and what's wrong?" i don't know, you tell me; that's Fe not Fi. There is no such a thing as a Ti user being good with Fi, what they do is use Ti+Fe or Fe in an introverted way.
  • So... after you get your Extraverted functions and consequentially your Introverted ones, you can start building your stack. I like the Beebe's model a lot.
  • And remember this is all about cognitive preference, so it's what you brain likes to use, not what you think it's convenient. A Fi user might use logic but they will never use a personal one (that's Ti), they'll use an external one that matches with their values. And this is what makes them a good person. Likewise, a Ti person will never be able to create a personal moral code (that's Fi), they'll use an external one that matches their logic.

what are the functions and how to recognize them

Extraverted functions are easier to see because they're externalized and rely on the external world, so i could say they're way more in touch with our behaviours than the Introverted ones. They're what you use when interacting with the "outside". That's why it's common to say extroverted people have an Extraverted dominant function; it's because they seek and go after their desires. Home gives them nothing, while the backyard does, so when it's time to return home, they'll feel "drained".

  • Extraverted Thinking (Te): is about external/externalizing thoughts. It's how/what the group thinks. Structure and efficiency; they care about what works. Te collect it's thoughts from the outside, relying on other people (that's why credentials means a lot for them). They might seem cold and uncaring but all they want is honesty. They consider what you think and care about your results. They also care about the impression you're leaving, so they worry if people aren't doing their best. They crave to achieve respect not only for the user, but for everyone. If you think (or feel) like your grades/academic success do matter and they do show your worth somehow, you probably have Te.
      • what does the world thinks? what they have to say about this? what is the data? how can i achieve this goal? how can i show them my thoughts are right? how can we solve this right now? i need this to be as efficient as possible. show me how you did this. how will they see me? will they admire and respect me? my ideas are good because my heart is good. i'm not responsible for your feelings.
  • Extraverted Feeling (Fe): is about external/externalizing feelings (not emotions). It's how/what the group feels. Harmony and gratification. Fe is the one that will ask if they're a bother because they care about your feelings, not theirs. They'll also be the ones who'll call you out for being rude "because people will get offended/sad" (so it's all about "them", never "I"). It's the peak of social harmony. They see when things aren't good or when the mood is gloomy and they can't help but also feel gloomy. If a complete stranger is crying they can't help but also feel pain. If you hurt them, they will cry in your face, shout at you, and externalize their heart. Because they feel responsible with your feelings, they think you should also know about theirs. Peak of justice, they will do whatever they can so everyone can feel good.
      • how the world feels about this? how will they see and approve this? how i'm impacting them? how should i behave? how can we solve this in a way that makes everyone satisfied? how will they see me? will they look up to and appreciate me? you shouldn't do this because it will make people sad. my ideas are good because my thoughts are good. i can't help but feel responsible for your feelings.
  • Extraverted Sensing (Se): is about external/externalizing concrete facts. It's about the here and now and it's so weirdly particular because it's the most practical function. In a way is the embodiment of meditation (or this meme). They're very aware of their environment and the people present and they love to share experiences with other people, being the one that'll verbalize how {adjective} something is or how you should do {something}. Also, when i say here and now, it's here and now; they're very immediate. If you tell them you wanna do something, they'll expect you to do it asap, otherwise, why would you bother to tell them? And they really don't care much about possibilities, unless you force them to (like those people who can't shut up at the movies and guess what’s gonna happen next) because it's about what is (and further, what it will be) and not what it could be.
      • what is this? what's its shape? the colour? the sound? the details? the texture? what's happening right now? let me boil the water to make your coffee. how tall is this building? oh, it's going to rain, the clouds are heavy. what can i take from this moment? i should do something. have you ever looked at the moon? i get chills just by imagining, the space is so monstrously gigantic. doing things that makes me feel good. c'est la vie. appreciating art. this man is driving too fast... oh red light! take that son of a bitch.
  • Extraverted Intuition (Ne): is about external/externalizing abstractions. Jumping from topic to topic and blabbering tangents; it's about what if's and could be's. They're the most inquisitive and restless on the possibilities, sharing ideas like water form a broken faucet. They're never satisfied with a conclusive answer because there's still so much more to explore, and if there isn't then they'll create an opportunity to. They are the ones creating conspiracy theories out of nowhere (Se's would create from something) and wondering about which language would aliens speak. It's not about the now, or what was, it's about the future and what comes next but their next is the most open and broad; who cares if it's realistic? They'll take care of this later.
      • what this could be? and if this happened? what if instead of water i boiled juice to pour on our coffee? what if atoms are just tiny little faeries? what if we could talk to them? it's going to rain because yesterday was windier than usual and there's not a bird on sight, also, haven't you noticed this is a typical rainy month? do you ever think how cool would it be if it was zeus fighting with fetnut so that's why it's going to rain? and what if our clouds were really made of cotton? maybe then we would have linen blood or jeans blood. what are the other ways i can envision this? i'm going to think about all the possible outcomes. imagining doing things that makes me feel good is enough. who cares about the now, what comes next? who am i going to be? appreciating a story i can give to this art. this man is driving too fast, he's gonna crash, his car doesn't have airbags, his face will be unrecognizable, he has been missing from home for 26 years, now they will bury him as a nobody because no one from his family showed up at the morgue, his mother will die waiting for a son she will never see again, oh red light! guess you won't be dying tonight.

Introverted functions on other hand are, in a way, personal and hard to define. There is a specific view of them, but it's not easy to point them in behaviours (that's why it's better to seek functions by pairs). Also, i'm not really good with Introverted ones (i can understand them but my explanation is shit). So the examples will be more of a... vibe thing i get from them.

  • Introverted Thinking (Ti): this makes sense to me. I don't understand, what am i missing? Morals are subjective, you value whatever you want, but there is a core truth and you can't deny this. All fish swim because you swim on water, if you swim on the sky then you're flying, if you're flying on water you're swimming. How can i solve this completely? Perfection takes time. Efficiency isn't synonymous of reliable. Why you're doing this? It makes no sense. I can see every flaw in your argument. Articles can be tricky. Justice over mercy. I'm responsible for what i think and so should you. I'm the best when i understand all the parts of everything.
  • Introverted Feeling (Fi): this feels right to me. I don't understand because i can't relate to this. Thoughts are subjective, you think whatever you want, but there is a right and wrong and you can't deny this. I may not be able to create the best path but i can pick a good one. Every person is an individual. This is good so it will work out. I feel way more than what i let you see. I don't care about harmony if it harms my values, i've picked them with care so respect them. This is the right thing to do. Mercy over justice. I'm responsible for my feelings and so should you. I'm the best when i'm allowed to be honest.
  • Introverted Sensing (Si): if it's not broken then it needs no fix. Nostalgia. Duty and compromise. Resistance. Learning by repetition. Follow the manual and get things done. Rules exist for a reason. Morning and evening rituals. The devil's in the details. It happened once, it will happen twice, history doesn't repeat itself but it sure does rhymes. Be prepared so you will be able to achieve anything. Routine does more good than harm. Everything has its own place and purpose, don't change it unless it's for a good reason. I'm responsible with what i've known and so should you. I'm the best when i know what i'm doing.
  • Introverted Intuition (Ni): everything happens for a reason and everything is connected. There's a meaning behind every colour. Butterfly effect but with guidance. Resilience. I knew this was bound to happen. Let me do what i'm meant to do. Everything is new but there’s a purpose. Give me time to understand it. The past doesn’t matter. This is important to me because it will be important along the way. I know what i want, what my goals are and where I’m going. I'm responsible with my future and so should you. I'm the best when i see everything coming together and reaching the outcome i’ve envisioned.

those with the same functions / the quadras

It's way easier to mistype yourself within quadras when you understand the cognitive functions correctly. If you're still in doubt if you're an ENFJ or ENFP this means you don't understand the functions. However, if you're doubting between ENFJ and INFJ that's way more promising.

  • Alphas⠀⠀ Si - Ne - Fe - Ti:  ISFJ INTP ESFJ ENTP
  • Betas⠀⠀⠀ Ni - Se - Fe - Ti:  INFJ ISTP ENFJ ESTP
  • Gammas⠀ Ni - Se - Fi - Te:  INTJ ISFP ENTJ ESFP
  • Deltas⠀ ⠀ Si - Ne - Fi - Te:  ISTJ INFP ESTJ ENFP

the mind's sides/stacks

Have you ever felt you were behaving like someone else? Like you suddenly became another person, for good or bad? Have you ever noticed that sometimes you will feel/say/do something, only to regret it a few seconds later? That's because you don't rely solely on your Ego in your day-to-day life (especially if you're unhealthy or isn't allowed to use it). That's when you rely on your "other personalities" or the other sides of your mind. They will all have a degree of oddness when you use them (besides the ego, of course), but this doesn't mean they're all bad (though if you're unaware you won't use them properly).

  • 1sᴛ sɪᴅᴇ⠀ Ego, the champion ⠀→ ⠀your main stack. The golden star. You can't feel wrong while using it (maybe incompetent, but never wrong). This is the "true" you.
  • 2ɴᴅ sɪᴅᴇ⠀ Unconscious, the auto-pilot ⠀→ ⠀repeat the letters of your main stack but replace the E's with I's and vice-versa (fun fact! this is your shadow stack). I'm not very sure, but i think that's when you get blurry. You only see your body moving and your mouth speaking and you have no idea what you're doing. Usually this stack gives you trouble but it also can be pretty funny and weirdly efficient.
  • 3ʀᴅ sɪᴅᴇ⠀ Subconscious, the show-off ⠀→ ⠀your main stack upside down, now your inferior is your dominant! The "i wish i could be like that". You may have tried to use this side when you felt overconfident with your inferior or to show-off your skills. This is your aspirational side but because of the inferior dominant chances are it will throw you off balance faster than you can think. You can achieve this side but it takes patience and time. Usually you will reach it naturally through life, however this is not your ego so don't go around thinking you'll become another type. The subconscious is merely a gift boost for your efforts through the ego.
  • 4ᴛʜ sɪᴅᴇ⠀ Superego, the exhausted ⠀→ ⠀your unconscious' stack upside down. That's when you get into your "demonic" state and almost everything you do will have a destructive outcome. It's when you used all the top stacks without success and your mind goes "well, if i'm not allowed to exist and be free than i will crush everything that gets in my way". Thankfully it takes a lot to get into this state and you will know when you're at it.

The main functions' stack

Those are your light/active functions. When you are allowed to use your Ego in a healthy way, you become the best version of yourself. It is important to nurture it in order to achieve your best performance. It's only when you allow yourself to be true and comfortable with your own that you have enough ammo and strength to develop yourself as a person, in a healthy way. Knowledge is power, and self-knowledge is the golden gate to a better self.

  • 01⠀ Hero/dominant, the almighty ⠀→ ⠀so comfortable to use you don't even realize. Used with mastery no matter if with good or bad intentions. Your comfort zone. 95% of chances of never getting tired of it. The one that almost never gives you guilt (unless you confront it). Selfishly you may think that everybody should use it first before reaching a conclusion or making a decision.
  • 02⠀ Parent/auxiliary, the caregiver ⠀→ ⠀reaches, supports and advises your Hero. Criticizes them in order to grow, aka its' criticisms are viewed by you as a good thing (always). It also protects your Child.
  • 03⠀ Child/tertiary, the baby ⠀→ ⠀it calms you down as well it energizes you. It brings joy and relief. You can easily be overconfident on them and end up being wrong (aka the "of course i know what i'm doing!" when you have no clue, but c'mon you had good intentions!). They love to play with your Hero and if you rely on this combo for too long it can give you trouble. If attacked it lashes out (if you're mentally well, with the Parent; if not, with the Inferior).
  • 04⠀ Inferior, the tsundere ⠀→ ⠀you want it yet you hate it. You use it when you already tried all of the top ones without success but all you feel is regret and shame. You crave it and admire it (or despise it with envy) in other people. However you may use it properly when it serves your Hero (or softly, when you want to relax them). It's almost impossible to tame but it gets easier to deal with through time. When you use it, it's stubborn and does exactly the opposite of what you've wanted and you end up frustrated and disappointed. It's like a shield too heavy to carry or a mighty sword that cuts through anything but burns your hands.

The shadow functions' stack

  • 05⠀ Nemesis, the bitchy ⠀→ ⠀it will complain about the way you breathe. Here is where your irritation lies and relies (and also your worries). You will feel a little iffy when using or when others use this function at you. It’s irritating and you'll want to fight it like a moody teenager. Somehow now you think you're way superior than them. I guess this is a funny way to discover your dominant (not reliable though) because it's when you become so nitpicky about an expression you can't even deal with yourself. It’s like: "why you hate person A?" "bEACAUSE A IS [insert typical behaviour of function, but negative]". However, the Nemesis can be a great ally when applied to yourself because it's always pushing you towards this irritating-different-point-of-view towards growth (because it makes you doubt your Hero). It can serve your Hero almost in the same way the Inferior does (i mean, you can complain about it but you want it by your side).
  • 06⠀ Critical, the stepmother ⠀→ ⠀it will complain, but not like the Nemesis. While the first is condescending and somehow funny, this one is brutal. It craves a knife in your hand and a needle in your chest. If directed towards others you will feel yourself in a "the truth hurts" position; if towards yourself, that's when you will feel like your worst (it honours its name). The Critical allows you to find flaws in the most downgrading way possible because it's a pessimistic function, like the Parent, but instead of fixing your wounds it will pour salt and vinegar and rub it with iron and steel. If you suddenly start harming yourself to the point of desperation, you're relying on the wrong parent. However, this is an awesome function to use while helping people grow (because you also use it to criticize others). Just remember the right time to be kind or harsh.
  • 07⠀ Trickster, the blindspot ⠀→ ⠀the only point of this function is to embarrass you. It’s when everybody gets the joke but you, always missing the hit. "Why everyone can do this but me?". It can make you feel dumb, but it's also your powerful comedic effect. When you learn it, it gets way easier to deal with because you just won't get it! If you do it's gonna be in a funny or very interesting way. You may also use this to protect your Child but will be your worst attempt, don't do it. It's not really bad but be careful and don't rely on it. This is the function you ask for external help.
  • 08⠀ Demon, the villain ⠀→ ⠀in short, no matter how you try to use this, it will be wrong. It won’t necessarily make you feel bad but it will feel so wrong you'll be able to taste in your tongue. Everything in you will be screaming "this is not good, take it off" because you don't know how to use it. If used with a healthy mind it will give you ridiculously bad results/outcomes; if unhealthy, you will use it in a demonic way, aka with harmful and destructible intentions.
      • shadow functions are made to be understood, not developed. even if you try to develop them, you will still use them in an incorrect way and this can lead to harmful behaviours. if you nurture you ego though, it can soften your shadows to the point you'll become comfortable with them enough to think you're developing them, when in reality you're only accepting them (and that's the point! accept who you are, learn how you work, then grow).


the functions' becauses

  • Ne: because why not?
  • Se: because yes.
  • Fe: because it's good for everyone.
  • Te: because it's true.
  • Ni: because i can see it happening.
  • Si: because it's reliable.
  • Fi: because it's the right thing to do.
  • Ti: because it makes sense to me.

the functions excusing eating with their hands

  • Ne: because they were watching a movie about rocks.
  • Se: because it's the most sensible way to eat.
  • Fe: everyone is doing it and they didn't want to look rude.
  • Te: look at all those sources saying its a good thing.
  • Ni: they thought it wasn't a bad idea.
  • Si: because they think it makes their life better.
  • Fi: because they want to. stop asking for reasons.
  • Ti: so they won't need to do the dishes.

the judgers when you were the wrong one in a fight (high to low)

  • Fe: will try to see your side, but since you were mistaken and unfair, will gently call you out. If you don't listen to them, they will turn to Ti and spit on your face about how stupid and ridiculous you were and how nothing you've just said makes sense.
  • Ti: devil's advocate until they understand the situation and will point out how contradictory and hypocritically you were behaving. If you don't listen to them, they will turn to Fe and spit on your face about how inconsiderate and rude you were then and now and how you're being selfish and giving everyone a bad time.
  • Te: will listen you if you explain things properly, in a cool manner. Will understand you're angry but will complain about your loudness. They will say you shouldn't have let yourself reach this point. If you don't listen to them they will turn to Fi and shut down or/and leave the room (can be metaphorically speaking, too). They don't have time for this if you keep behaving like a child.
  • Fi: will listen to you and give their honest opinion after you're done. If they can relate to you (like, if they've already fought with the same person), they will defend you to the bone. however, if they have nothing to do with it, they will advise you to let it go unless it messes up with your life/performance. if you don't listen to them they will turn to Te and spit on your face about how you're messing things up, reaching nowhere and getting in their way.
apr 2 2020 ∞
may 19 2020 +