currently learning "ε(。•ө•。)з"

  • korean ( ͒ ु•·̫• ू ͒) ♡

〔☆〕→ currently home studying it ( advanced )

  • japanese (。•ᴗ•。)♡

〔☆〕→ i'm having actual japanese classes ! + my japanese squad always help me a lot ( begginer )

to learn in the future "ε(。•ө•。)з"

  • chinese °ʚ(*´꒳`*)ɞ°.

〔☆〕→ i'd like to learn it .. it would be the cutest if i got to talk with yuanyi and xiao bai in chinese .. !

feb 26 2017 ∞
oct 6 2017 +