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“Sometimes we need to stop and say “Thank you for loving me.” It is such a simple thing to say yet it carries so much weight, whether it is with a spouse while you both read your books or it’s with a friend who has been with you through thick and thin or it is to a family member who has loved you from the start.
Those words, that thought, the action of saying it to them with purpose and truth can mean the world to them. Because after all, they mean enough for you to say “Thank you for loving me.””
“Perhaps all the questions we ask of love, to measure, test, probe, and save it, have the additional effect of cutting it short. Perhaps the reason we are unable to love is that we yearn to be loved, that is, we demand something (love) from our partner instead of delivering ourselves up to him demand-free and asking for nothing but his company.”
"The dreamer in her had fallen in love with me and she did not know it.That moment the dreamer in me fell in love with her and I knew it”
“Doubt thou the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love.”
“If you’ve ever doubted yourself, walk deep into any forest. Notice how the trees still stand even though they are given no recognition. Walk along any stream. The water still flows, though no one stops to praise it. Watch the stars late at night; they shine without acknowledgment. Humans are just the same. We are made out of the same elements as these beautiful wonders. Always remember your beauty and self worth.”
“Happiness There’s just no accounting for happiness, or the way it turns up like a prodigal who comes back to the dust at your feet having squandered a fortune far away.
And how can you not forgive? You make a feast in honor of what was lost, and take from its place the finest garment, which you saved for an occasion you could not imagine, and you weep night and day to know that you were not abandoned, that happiness saved its most extreme form for you alone.
No, happiness is the uncle you never knew about, who flies a single-engine plane onto the grassy landing strip, hitchhikes into town, and inquires at every door until he finds you asleep midafternoon as you so often are during the unmerciful hours of your despair.
It comes to the monk in his cell. It comes to the woman sweeping the street with a birch broom, to the child whose mother has passed out from drink. It comes to the lover, to the dog chewing a sock, to the pusher, to the basket maker, and to the clerk stacking cans of carrots in the night. It even comes to the boulder in the perpetual shade of pine barrens, to rain falling on the open sea, to the wineglass, weary of holding wine.”
“We are born unchartered like the stars and we pend our lives weaving constellations.”
“nights and days came and passed and summer and winter and the sun and the wind and the rain. and it was good to be a little island a part of the world and a world of its own all surrounded by the bright blue sea.”
“we’ve been fragments of each other our whole lives. we are a poem.”
“It happens like this. One day you meet someone and for some inexplicable reason, you feel more connected to this stranger than anyone else—closer to them than your closest family. Perhaps this person carries within them an angel—one sent to you for some higher purpose; to teach you an important lesson or to keep you safe during a perilous time. What you must do is trust in them—even if they come hand in hand with pain or suffering—the reason for their presence will become clear in due time.
Though here is a word of warning—you may grow to love this person but remember they are not yours to keep. Their purpose isn’t to save you but to show you how to save yourself. And once this is fulfilled; the halo lifts and the angel leaves their body as the person exits your life. They will be a stranger to you once more.”
“she loves like no other. she loves like a sister, a mother & a best friend. lose her love & you’ll feel like you’ve lost a part of yourself.”
“Letting go is such a difficult thing to understand. You can’t try to let go. Trying to let go is like trying not to think about something. You’re just going to think about it even more. I think letting go is less of an ending of one thing and more of an acceptance of everything. It’s okay that this is the way it is right now. There’s no other way it’s supposed to be.”
“We travel, some of us forever, to seek other states, other lives, other souls.”
“When I try to save other people am I trying to save myself? Am I covering up for my lack of strength by putting people back together?”
“if the ocean can calm itself, so can you. we are both salt water mixed with air.”
“People are not rain or snow or autumn leaves;they do not look beautiful when they fall.”
“Be patient and tough. Someday this pain will be useful to you.”
“Feeling alone has nothing to do with how many people there are around you.”
“There are things I’d rather whisper and never quite say out loud.”
“I love talking to you, even if I have nothing to say.”
“May my hardships humble me My sadness strengthen me And my fears fuel me May the things that try to break me build me up instead”
“When someone is going through a storm, your silent presence is more powerful than a million, empty words.”
“But each person stores his hope in a different place.”
“Just because things hadn’t gone the way I had planned didn’t necessarily mean they had gone wrong.”