• Spiders. Big ones, small ones, artificial ones, virtual ones, everything that looks like one.
  • Sting rays.
  • Abandonment. I start panicking if people don't answer my messages because I get instantly convinced they don't want me anymore.
  • Being stuck in somewhere and die from lack of air. I know, I know. And still I regularly go and crawl in the undergrounds of Paris. Go figure.
  • Things that could grab my leg from under my bed at night.
  • Centipedes. Because I have lived in a country where those things were huuuge and possibly lethal. Plus, way too many legs for me.
  • Phones. Talking on the phone or answering it. I already got sick just because I had an important call to make.
  • Deep water.
jul 28 2010 ∞
aug 18 2010 +