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  • don’t wait for the phone to ring. you should be juggling men, reading a book, going to the gym, and working towards taking over the world ALL AT ONCE!
  • pay attention to the new friends you invite into your life.
  • stop thinking stuff about other people and not telling them. Don’t be a two faced person who avoids confrontation. When done correctly- confrontation can be a GREAT thing. It clears the air. So, cut it out and stop being such a pussy.
  • There’s a moment in life where you can’t recover any more from another break-up. And even if this person bugs you sixty percent of the time, well you still can’t live without him. And even if he wakes you up every day by sneezing right in your face, well you love his sneezes more than anyone else’s kisses.
  • be the person you want to attract.
  • keep some goddamn mystery ladies! Put your mascara on in private.
  • for the love of god, ask questions! people like it when you take an interest in them. and even if you don’t care…you could actually learn something!
  • get rid of what you don’t need. Leggings with stains?! are you kidding me? I don’t give a fuck! Get the fuck rid of them/it! It’s a representation of you. An extension of you. Like your bf, your apt, your job, your clothes, your friends! Don’t accidentally fall into the trap of being a fowl dirty bitch! Even in the privacy of your own home- it isn’t ok! you’re doing it for you, not him! Be a fancy princess alone too! even just for yourself! Just for you, not for him! I love you!
  • if you’re in a car and you see a cute dude, honk your horn. women NEVER do this. men do it! gardeners do it! just give it a try. the dudes will LOVE it and be a bit confused/taken a back.
  • if a boy says no one will ever love you as much as he loves you, don’t believe it. he’s trying to suck you back in. it’s actually another reason why you SHOULDN’T be with him. the world is large and you are lovable. i hope. i haven’t met you, but i’ve heard totally good things!
  • you are a woman. you have the power to cast spells over boys with your words, your silence, gestures, eyes, and actions. this power can be super fun/entertaining, and will most likely result in an epic make out and/or someone falling in love with you. i can’t stress enough how much power you have. use it wisely.
  • if you begin a relationship with someone and you think you love them, but as time goes by you begin to realize they aren’t the person who thought they were. OR they aren’t what you WANT anymore, don’t be afraid to leave.
  • you never have someone in the palm of your hand! So don’t take people for granted or let people take you for granted!
  • if no one else is buying you flowers, buy yourself flowers.
  • just because someone leaves the room, doesn’t mean you have to talk shit about them. But if you MUST, waiting until they leave + 10 seconds is the way to go.
  • crushes can consume you, and take a lot of energy. Make sure the person you have a crush on is worth the brain power!
  • if he doesn’t call you, he doesn’t want to talk to you.
  • if he has a tattoo on his face, you can kiss him, but you can’t marry him.
  • suck his dick like you’re starving, it works.
  • have a little/keep a little mystery. It’s worth it. hold your cards close and you may reap amazing benefits. aka: play it cool ASSHOLE!
  • one day, i swear to god, you will learn how to be the same person in every situation you find yourself in. i know it sounds impossible, and you think you have to morph and change and pretend and shift in every different situation you’re in- depending on the person you’re with: but it’s not true. if you are lucky, and by lucky i mean- if you grow up, you will know who you are and be able to walk into any room and bring yourself with you- and not be scared. you will be truly developed and 100% in your skin. so, even though people and situations might bring out other sides of you, you won’t be an impostor; living in fear and feeling like a fraud. because at the core, you will be the same person and solid in every environment you enter. good luck. i love you!
dec 13 2009 ∞
nov 30 2012 +