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Jen. Twenty-something physicist and science communicator.

Interests include, but are not limited to, conspiracy theories, animals and cryptography.

listography NEW NEWS
  • Shallow Grave
  • Ip Man
  • 10 Things I Hate About You
  • Battle Royale
  • Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
  • Trainspotting
  • Snatch
  • Anastasia
  • There's Something About Mary
  • Donnie Darko
  • Notting Hill
  • Green Mile
  • Back To The Future
apr 8 2016 ∞
may 7 2016 +
  • Darren Criss's character in Girl Most Likely.
  • Mr Darcy.
  • Mr Thornton in North and South - specifically the BBC adaption where he is played by Richard Armitage.
  • Dmitri from the animated Anastasia film.
  • Lee Pace's character in The Fall.
dec 31 2014 ∞
dec 31 2014 +
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  • On public transport I often worry that there will be some psychopath with a pair of scissors and he cuts off my hair :O
  • When I'm in the shower and I'm washing my face (so my eyes are closed) I worry that when I open my eyes again there will be somebody standing on the other side of the glass.
  • Discovering no money in my bank account whatsoever. [however, as a student, it turns out this isn't so irrational afterall!]
  • A new law being laid down which proclaims everyone must be married by the age of 25.
  • A spider successfully breeds with a bluebottle and so then makes a flying spider which buzzes loudly. If this then mated with a millipede I think I'd have to live in quarantine.
  • My eyelashes falling out.
oct 21 2008 ∞
apr 25 2014 +
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  • Even if someone says they want you to be 100% honest with them you still have to lie a bit because sometimes the truth doesn't change just hurts the person.
  • The clumsiest person you know is also, probably, the most promiscuous.
  • The things that happen to you that should be life changing [such as sitting with a man and holding his hand as his life is ending, watching the sun rise from the summit of Kilimanjaro, falling in love...] often make no difference to you as a person. It's the mundane moments that are far more likely to change your life. It'll hit you when you're cleaning your bathroom or as you're queuing in a shop.
  • For their intolerance, pity those who hate you; For your tolerance, don't hate them back.
  • We will never grow out of disney films.
jun 5 2010 ∞
may 20 2014 +

Things I'd say to people if I weren't so spineless.

  • You ARE beautiful and the reason guys keep screwing you over is because you go after dickheads!
  • He has a child and only I know. He said he'd never tell you because he was afraid of losing you.
  • Just because you're gay doesn't mean you have to be camp, don't let yourself be pressured.
  • She got mad at you and left the room because the same thing happened to her as happened to me but she can't joke about it like I can.
  • As much as I despise you I have to admit your blog is really good and I am one of your regular readers. If only you were the sort of person your blog made you out to be...
  • Your father is alive and your mother is l...
aug 22 2010 ∞
apr 25 2014 +
  • Hi, hello, how's it going?
  • I have kept this Listography for (I think) 8 years already...
  • If I have commented on a list you've made then it's because I had something to say not because I'm a weird stalker but I know that, for some people, Listography feels more intimate than for others so I understand if you find it strange.
  • For me, though, I like that most of my lists are public and I like to get comments so, please, say something!
  • I don't 'follow' other users because there are too many people who keep cool lists. I have a list of favourites in my 'private folder' however.
  • I was the featured user on Listography more than once, before they stopped doing that :(
  • My mind is a mess but my lists are tidy and that's the way I like it.
may 5 2014 ∞
dec 27 2015 +
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  • Blur over Oasis
  • Glasgow over Edinburgh
  • Dior over Chanel
  • Tea over Coffee
  • Coke over Pepsi
  • White Wine over Red Wine
  • Simon over Garfunkel
  • NY over LA
  • Rugby over Football
  • Brunettes over Blondes
  • Harry over William
  • The Ramones over The Sex Pistols
  • Winter over Summer
  • Skiing over Snowboarding
  • Costello over Presley
  • Moon over Sun
  • Paris over London
  • Salt over Pepper
  • Mountains over Seaside
  • The Beach Boys over The Beatles
  • Black over White
may 2 2011 ∞
apr 25 2014 +
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Things a degree in physics will help me to achieve

  • Astronaut | Yeah, once I've joined the military...which will certainly not be happening
  • Commercial Airlines Pilot | To get a CPL scholarship is the first step
  • Investment Banker | Working in the city would be fine for a couple of years I think but would soon begin to take its toll on my mental health. Still; money!
  • Aeronautics design engineer | With a preference to rollercoasters but if it's a rocket or something then I guess that's ok too
  • Patent Examiner | Yes, just like Einstein. I think the crossover between science and law could be interesting.
  • Academic | Perpetual student.

Things I would have done if I had chosen to do a different degree

  • Doctor | I might be the only person to have eve...
oct 5 2008 ∞
apr 25 2014 +
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  • That one character in the film/TV show who can inexplicably hack into any computer network. Like that stupid girl child from Jurassic Park! I mean, really?! The 1990s gave us many great things but by far the worst is this concept that anybody can just type frantically on their desktop computer and somehow gain access to the CIA's most classified files.
  • Wrong way round toilet paper. It's got to be over. If it's not, I'll change it.
  • Grown men who use emoticons. Especially emoticons with noses. Where is the need for that?!
  • Child geniuses like Kim Ung-yong was. What I feel is partly annoyance and partly a crushing devastation which makes me physically sick upon realising that, in comparison, I'm about 8000 years behind in evolution. The wee bastard.
  • Audiophiles. If the music is good then i...
oct 21 2008 ∞
apr 25 2014 +
  • Flavour of crisp | Salt and vinegar
  • Designer | Dior
  • Beatle | George
  • Place | Glencoe
  • Season | Winter
  • City | Stockholm
  • Television show | Buffy The Vampire Slayer
  • Day of the week | Friday
  • Spice Girl | Ginger
  • Animal | Arctic Fox
  • Word | Clairvoyance
  • Book | The Old Man And The Sea
  • Colour | Green
  • Band | Rilo Kiley
  • Ice cream flavour | White chocolate
  • Author | Rudyard Kipling
  • Comedian | Daniel Sloss
  • Type of tea | Earl Grey
  • Month | November
  • Film | Shallow Grave
  • Language | Japanese
aug 1 2011 ∞
apr 25 2014 +
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  • A Song of Ice and Fire
  • ABBA
  • Absolut Vodka
  • Academic families
  • Acrobatics
  • Aerial yoga
  • Airports
  • Alan Turing
  • Alan Davies
  • Amusement Parks
  • Anchovies
  • Angel (TV Show)
  • Apples
  • Apple pancakes
  • Apple pie
  • (the) Apprentice
  • Après ski
  • Arcades
  • Architecture
  • Arctic foxes
  • Assam tea
oct 23 2008 ∞
apr 8 2016 +

The good, the bad, and the downright bizarre.

  • Petyr Baelish (Aiden Gillen) - I appreciate that he's trying to do a Welsh accent since he's from the Vale and the Vale is almost certainly based upon Wales. At first I was confused - why does his Welsh accent sound so...weird? Then I realised, he's goddam Irish.
  • Tyrion (Peter Dinklage) - the acting is good but the accent is hilariously bad. Americans just need to stop trying already.
  • Catelyn Stark (Michelle Fairley) - the least well disguised Northern Irish accent I've ever heard.
  • Davos (Liam Cunningham) - An Irish man doing a (pretty decent) Geordie accent despite that fact that nobody else in the series has a Georgie accent. The character is supposed to be from King's Landing and everyone else from there just takes on a...
may 8 2014 ∞
may 8 2014 +