• replace this text with your list
  • begin each item with an asterisk
  • social sciences (psych, anthro, sociology)
  • social justice???? political social issues idk
  • big think (YouTube channel)
  • linguistics
  • mental illness
  • I like learning how different people work
  • if I meet someone w a mental diagnosis I've never met before I wanna ask questions
  • it's like how nurses get super excited when there's a really "cool" and rare disease on someone
  • I mostly learn these things because I hope they will inform me of myself
  • I am usually unsuccessful
  • but it's also cool to learn how it effects others of course
  • I also really like mbti
  • once again initially to know more about myself
  • but the entire concept of cognitive functions makes my brain tingle
  • like yaasss..... everyone relies on these very basic skills and thought processes.... and we have different preferences.....
  • how can I use this info to uuhh..... idk help myself in dailly life and ..., learn about how my friends think.., and how it makes sense because of how they act irl.... SILLYYYYYY
may 21 2023 ∞
may 21 2023 +