I change my name while speaking another language accordingly
- English: Arianna Darner
- Japanese: 甘露寺麗 (Kanroji Urara)
- Chinese: 叶雅婷 (Yè Yǎ Tíng)
- Turkish: Reyhan Yüksel
- French: Madeleine Durand
- Italian: Maddalena Montagna
- Spanish: Magdalena Gallardo Solís
- Portuguese: Raquel Cardoso
- German: Magdalena Strauß
- Russian: Алина Михайлова Чернова (Alina Mikhailova Chernova)
- Ukrainian: Роксолана Борисівна Мороз (Roksolana Borysivna Moroz)
- Polish: Magdalena Lisowska
- Georgian: თინათინი ლომიშვილი (Tinatini Lomishvili)
may 21 2023 ∞ mar 9 2025 +
- Big 6 (Tropical): Scorpio Sun, Cancer Moon, Gemini Rising, Scorpio Mercury, Capricorn Venus, Sagittarius Mars
- Big 6 (Sidereal/Lahiri): Scorpio Sun, Cancer Moon, Taurus Rising, Libra Mercury, Sagittarius Venus, Scorpio Mars
- Big 6 (Dodecatemoria): Virgo Sun, Taurus Moon, Leo Rising, Cancer Mercury, Pisces Venus, Sagittarius Mars
- Big 6 (12th Harmonic): Aquarius Sun, Aquarius Moon, Gemini Rising, Sagittarius Mercury, Gemini Venus, Aries Mars
- Big 6 (Draconic): Capricorn Sun, Virgo Moon, Cancer Rising, Capricorn Mercury, Aquarius Venus, Capricorn Mars
-- birthday: November 17th
apr 8 2023 ∞ aug 24 2024 +
- achieve what's necessary
- fulfill the desires of my core type
- find my inner self
- become connected with my true self
apr 8 2023 ∞ may 19 2023 +
- Lithuanian: Jūratė Jonaitytė
- Dutch: Madelon Van Andel
- Norwegian: Magnhild Solheim
- Icelandic: Freyja Magnúsdóttir
- Finnish: Raakel Niemi
- Czech: Magdaléna Černá
- Azerbaijani: Sevda Məmmədova Kərimova
- Kazakh: Айдана Нұржанқызы Русланова (Aidana Nurzhanqyzy Ruslanova)
- Mongolian: Наранбаатарын Сарантуяа (Naranbaataryn Sarantuya)
- Hungarian: Eszes Ráchel
- Bulgarian: Магдалина Драгановa Радева (Magdalina Draganova Radeva)
- Korean: 林敏徐/임민서 (Im Min-Seo)
- Vietnamese: 范理慧 (Phạm Lí/Lý Huệ)
- Thai: “ไพลิน” อาจริย...
jul 3 2023 ∞ jan 26 2025 +
apr 8 2023 ∞ apr 10 2023 +
- I'm very interested in typology and astrology
- I may accidentally appear offensive, usually though it's bcz I don't know how to assert myself inoffensively
- I'm strongly against conflict that includes stereotypes, prejudice and anything similar
- Love language: Practical (favors)
- Chronotype: Wolf
- Amatorics: FASE
- polyglot
- Studied: Latin - Studying: Chinese, Turkish, German, Ukrainian, Russian, Portuguese, French - Dropped: Dutch, Polish, Spanish, Arabic, Greek - Want to study (but can't 🥲): Georgian
- Belief: Eastern Orthodoxy
- likely a maladaptive daydreamer
- I might have OCD
apr 8 2023 ∞ feb 7 2025 +
apr 8 2023 ∞ jul 3 2023 +
- main styles: casual, nu-goth and grunge
- changeable fashion lol mostly masculine, I hate wearing skirts and dresses
apr 8 2023 ∞ nov 25 2023 +