Best sketches: Boxing Tonight, Dennis Moore, Prejudice.
Best sketches: Light Entertainment Awards with Dickie Attenborough, Oscar Wilde, Pasolini's Film, International Wife-Swapping, Dirty Vicar.
Best sketches: Merchant Banker, The Man Who Makes People Laugh Uncontrollably, The Pantomime Horse is a Secret Agent.
Best sketches: Gumby Brain Specialist, Molluscs, Match of the Day, Expedition to Lake Pahoe.
Best sketches: Silly Disturbances, Is There?... Life after Death.
Best sketches: Penguins, Unexploded Scotsmen, Spot the Looney.
Best sketches: The Show so Far, Cheese Shop, Sam Peckinpah's Salad Days.
Best sketches: Multiple Murderer, Mrs. Premise and Mrs. Conclusion, Whicker's World.
Best sketches: How to Do It, The Minister for Overseas Development, The Fish-Slapping Dance.
Best sketches: Bomb on Plane, The Olympic Hide-and-Seek Final.
Best sketches: The Money Programme, Argument Clinic.
Best sketches: Summarize Proust Competition, Anne Elk's Theory on Brontosauruses.