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Chuck likes guacamole, music and other assorted detritus.
Here you will find his ratings and various ramblings as it relates to his love for all things music and especially vinyl records.

marcella music (álbuns, 2025)
movies (2025)
famous crushes (alexa, play gorgeous by taylor swift)

Albums Chuck Dislikes That Others Say are Brilliant

Let's face it, this is a silly stupid list, but one Chuck has been contemplating for quite a while. Forgive him for the negativity. This list is NOT about bashing any particular artist that he dislikes. Saying he hates "all of Bruce Springsteen's music" is not what this list is about. Chuck understands that many of the albums listed here are considered classics by a lot of listeners. The purpose of this note is to simply compile a list of albums that Chuck avoids, despite their rating consistently high among fans, critics and other listeners. An average Rate Your Music website rating is included for reference.

Yes, Chuck has issues, but music is subjective and it's all a matter of personal taste. Chuck doesn't feel the need to defend what he likes or dislikes, and wouldn't expect anyone else to either. Who knows, perhaps some of these revered albums will 'click' with Chuck someday?

  • The Band - Music From Big Pink (1968) 3.89
  • Captain Beefheart - Trout Mask Replica (1969) 3.74
  • Fleet Foxes - Fleet Foxes (2008) 3.72
  • The Jesus & The Mary Chain - Psychocandy (1984) 3.84
  • Joy Division - Unknown Pleasures (1974) 4.14
  • Meat Loaf - Bat Out of Hell (1977) 3.56
  • Neutral Milk Hotel - In the Aeroplane Over the Sea (1998) 4.09
  • Radiohead - OK Computer (1997) 4.23
  • Rush - Signals (1982) 3.71
  • The Residents - Meet The Residents (1974) 3.68
  • U2 - Achtung Baby (1991) 3.77
  • Van Morrison - Astral Weeks (1968) 4.07
  • Wilco - Yankee Hotel Foxtrot (2002) 3.98

Albums Chuck now "gets" and enjoys (once on the above list)

  • Arcade Fire - Funeral (2004) 4.03
  • The Beach Boys - Pet Sounds (1966) 4.22

Upcoming List: Albums Chuck Loves That Others Say are Despicable

aug 6 2017 ∞
nov 25 2019 +