• Sometimes Twitter could be rude by slander all of my mutual's accounts, if you're happening to be one of the victims, feel free to follow me again on your new account despite we're close or not. If I keep you as mutual means I claim you as my friends, however feel free to break the mutuals because I'm that kind of person who will BUB you when I feel uncomfortable around you. No hard feelings, though. ✌
  • I clean my following regularly every 3 months, if I spot your account doesn't active for 3 months or more, sorry to say but I have to unfollow you earlier. Once again, please no hard feelings! You can unfollow me back or ask for a follow (again) through mention/DM.
  • If you feel bothered by my presence, instead of subtweeting me on your timeline, please come to my DM. Your Mama doesn't raise a coward, right?
jul 17 2021 ∞
jan 25 2022 +