Wednesday 6th

  • Watched All President's Men with mummy
  • Hosptial @ 11 - read some books
  • Artin visited @ 1pm
  • Susan Visited @ 2pm
  • Surgery at 4, ate spag bol for dinner

Thursday 7th

  • Visited Jen in hosptial @ 9
  • Finished Catcher in the Ryde, Being There and Jekyll and Hyde
  • Karen came over and brought baked custard
  • Watched The Hours with Mummy & ate Spinach Pie
  • Watched Shawshank Redemption and Chicago

Friday 8th

  • Finished part 1 of Heart of Darkness
  • Wrote Story for Herald Competition
  • Read Great Gatsby
  • Watched Kill Bill (1 & 2)with parents

Saturday 9th

  • Artin visited for brekkie (baked custard)
  • Watched the Shining with Daddy
  • Lozyy came over - watched Social Network
  • Britt over for dinner

Sunday 10th

  • Read The Outsider
  • Slept
  • Watched There Will Be Blood
  • Artin came over for Dinner

Monday 11th

  • Watched Fatal Attraction with Mum
  • Did all my French homework (3 essays) sent off
  • Watched The OC ♥

Tuesday 12th

  • Slept till 11 - finished The Outsider
  • Watched Hotel Rwanda with Mummy
  • Pho for lunch - watched Quiet American
  • Nay came over
  • Watched The Big Lebowski

Wednesday 13th

  • Watched the Pianist
  • Showered and relaxed
  • Watched Jarhead
  • Artin came over @ 2.30
  • Watched Being There with Mummy

Thursday 14th

  • Woke up late - ate Yogurt & started Nausea
  • Romy and Lucy came over
  • Started Heart of Darkness vocab list
  • Jess and Sharon came round for Tea
  • Artin came over - Thai for dinner

Friday 15th

  • Watched Memento
  • Slept & Watched Apocalypse Now
  • Watched Grey's anatomy

Saturday 16th

  • Slept in - showered, washed hair etc
  • Watched Grey's Anatomy & BBC knowledge with mummy
  • Artin came over @ 5 - pizza, inglorious basterds, fun

Sunday 17th

  • Slept in, watched You Again with mummy
  • Cady came over for a little bit
  • Lozzy came over
  • Dinner @ Blue Monkey with Loz, Britt & Lisa
  • Britt Slept over

Monday 18th

  • Britt slept over - watched funny youtube videos
  • Watched Grey's anatomy
  • Artin came over - went for a walk
  • Pesach with George, Alexis, Elpitha and Julian

Tuesday 19th

  • Finished season 1 Grey's anatomy
  • Psychologist & Doctor's appointment
  • Pesach at the Friedmans

Wednesday 20th

  • Gym from 10 - 12.30
  • Cleaned cupboards
  • Artin came over (booked for holidays)
  • Saw Adjustment bureau at Cinema Paris

Thursday 21st

  • Pilates & Fat burner @ 9.30 Maroubra gym
  • White Rabbit Gallery with Jess
  • Dinner with the Capriles

Friday 22nd

  • 2 Hour Walk with Nay
  • Bondi Beach with Jake
  • Girls slept over - Nay, Jess, Bek, Frankie, Loz
  • Watched Silence of the Lambs

Saturday 23rd

  • 9 -5 Enneargram conference with Mum
  • Grey's Anatomy marathon with Mumy

Sunday 24th

  • Showered, packed and organised
  • Hotel with Artin
  • Room Service and late night

Monday 25th

  • Anzac Day Parade
  • Lunch @ City Westfield
  • Archibald Prize (art gallery)
  • Got drunk in the hotel room (2 bottles of wine)

Tuesday 26th

  • Train to China Town - Yum Cha for lunch
  • Darling Harbour - music festival & starbucks
  • Swimming pool @ night
  • Fem Dom night

Wednesday 27th

  • Breakfast in bed (pancakes & nutella)
  • Trained to school
  • Hip hop rehearsals
  • Back to Britt's - dinner with the girls @ Papa Giovanni's

Thursday 28th

  • Gym with Britt & Lis @ 8am
  • Met artin @ 10 - taxi back to my house
  • Ordered Thai food and watched movies
  • Went to watch Gathering of the Tribes
  • Dinner @ Kelly's with parents and Artin

Friday 29th

  • French @ 8am & double math
  • Drove to Music with Caila
  • Hip Hop rehearsals from 1pm
  • Met Artin & spent the day/night with him

Saturday 30th

  • Artin came over - drove to the junction
  • Hip hop from 5.30 (got make up etc)
  • Performed @ Gathering with Disco after - drove home
apr 7 2011 ∞
dec 16 2011 +