vincent van gogh
- i know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream.
- normality is a paved road: it's comfortable to walk, but no flowers grow.
- there is peace even in the storm.
- keep going, keep going come what may.
edgar allan poe
- i am a writer. therefore, i am not sane.
- i became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.
- there is no exquisite beauty without some strangeness in the proportion.
- from childhood's hour i have not been as others were; i have not seen as others saw.
- and all i loved, i loved alone.
- if i cannot bend the will of heaven, i shall move hell.
sade andria zabala
- tell me every terrible thing you ever did, and let me love you anyway.
william shakespeare
- "these violent delights have violent ends."
- "hell is empty and all the devils are here."
- my darling, you will never be unloved by me. you are too well tangled in my soul.
sarah williams
- though my soul may set in darkness, it will rise in perfect light; i have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.
clarice lispector
- it is because i dove into the abyss that i am beginning to love the abyss i am made of.
- she believed in angels, and, because she believed, they existed.
kait rokowski
- nothing ever ends poetically. it ends and we turn it into poetry. all that blood was never once beautiful. it was always just red.
frantz fanon
- in the world through which i travel, i am endlessly creating myself.
lewis carroll — alice in wonderland
- "if i had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense."
- "i know who i was when i got up this morning, but i think i must have been changed several times since then."
- "i can't explain myself, i'm afraid, sir. because i'm not myself, you see."
- “have i gone mad?” “i'm afraid so. you're entirely bonkers. but i'll tell you a secret: all the best people are.”
- "we're all mad here."
- “if you don't know where you are going, any road can take you there.”
- she generally gave herself very good advice (though she very seldom followed it).
antoine de saint-exupéry — the little prince
- "for instance, if you come at four in the afternoon, i'll begin to be happy by three."
- "and now here is my secret, a very simple secret: it is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye."
- "all grown-ups were once children... but only few of them remember it."
- “the most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or touched, they are felt with the heart.”
- “well, i must endure the presence of a few caterpillars if i wish to become acquainted with the butterflies.”
robert frost
- the only way out is through.
- poetry is what gets lost in translation.
- to be a poet is a condition, not a profession.
- freedom lies in being bold.
- forgive me my nonsense as i also forgive the nonsense of those who think they talk sense.
jim elliot
- wherever you are, be all there.
author unknown
- to everything i've lost, thank you for setting me free.
- may the bridges i burn light the way.
- times are tough but i am tougher. i'll be fine.
- you're inside the maze now. you cannot escape. welcome to madness. — legion S02E01.
- some people are just born with tragedy in their blood. — donnie darko.