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shy, opinionated, curious, silly, romantic, agnostic, capricious, compassionate, independent, spontaneous, adventurous, nature enthusiast, espresso connoisseur, writer, photographer, traveler, voracious reader, day dreamer

listography NEW NEWS

What I value in a friendship

imagination, creativity, compassionate, opinionated, spontaneous, responsible, agnostic, anti-political, anti-religious, adventurous nature, sense of wonder, wanderlust, intellect/intellectual articulation, wit, sarcasm, sense of humor, street smarts, linguistic articulation, silliness, a sharing of beliefs/values, realists, technologically challenged, inventive, trusting and trustworthy.

Lover of hyper cars, French-pressed coffee, tea, free-time, and Russian Blue kittens.

Haunters of coffee shops, libraries, and amazing, hole-in-the-wall restaurants.

Connoisseurs of gelato, tiramisu, movies, photography, and amazing literature.

Avid asker of questions…always curiously curious.

What I do not value in a friendship

martyrs, crusaders, hippies, environmenta...

aug 6 2010 ∞
jan 4 2011 +
  • List: What I dislike about myself
  • List: What I love about myself
  • List: Top 10 all-time, favorite movies
  • List: What I love about my Boy
  • List: 28 things to do in 2011
  • List: Major accomplishments to achieve in my life
  • List: What I would say to my younger self
  • List: What I dream of doing when the day turns sour
  • List: 100 things that I love
  • List: Pet peeves, annoyances, and general dislikes
  • List: Books that I can read over and over and over...
  • List: My guilty pleasures
  • List: Words I love
  • List: Things I deserve a gold star for!
  • List: Things to photograph in a scavenger hunt
aug 6 2010 ∞
jan 4 2011 +