the basics

transgender - (often shortened to trans) is a term referring to an individual whose gender identity does not entirely, always, only, or at all correspond with their assigned gender at birth (AGAB). transgender is not a gender identity on its own, rather it is a gender modality; it expresses that there is a difference between one's AGAB and one's gender identity. the opposite of transgender is cisgender. x

non-binary - refers to someone whose gender does not fall strictly within the category of the binary genders (male or female) that are used in western society. anyone who is not always, solely, 100% male or always, solely, 100% female can be considered non-binary. some non-binary individuals may identify with one or both of the binary genders, at least in part, while others are completely unrelated to the binary genders. non-binary can be a gender identity on its own, or it can be used as an umbrella term for anyone whose gender is something other than male or female. x

queer - is an identity, an umbrella term, and often considered a movement for sexual and gender minorities and individuals who fall outside of and/or reject the cultural norms around sexuality, gender identity, and/or gender expression. the word queer can mean different things to different individuals, but the most common definition is someone who is not cishet/someone with variant experiences with orientation, gender, and/or sex. the queer movement has largely been about anti-conformity and the rejection of binaries and being pushed into boxes. x

the specifics

demifloren - is a gender that is partially fluid and partially static. the fluid part of the gender fluctuates between identities which are never fully female or fully male. however, these gender can be feminine, partially female, female-aligned, masculine, partially male, or male-aligned. the static part of the gender is undefined, and can be anything, so it varies from individual to individual. x

neutrois - is a non-binary gender identity that is associated with having a neutral or null gender. it is an umbrella term, with each individual experiencing neutrois differently. common definitions include feeling neutrally gendered – feeling neither male, female, nor anything in between, but still feeling strongly gendered. another common definition is feeling null-gendered, genderless or agender – some genderless individuals may identify as both agender and neutrois, while others may prefer one term or the other. x neutrois typically experience a sense of gender dysphoria, and often have a strong desire to reflect their internal gender. x

neutrois + demifloren = neutrofloren

fluid side

abinary - refers to any gender that is completely unrelated to maleness, masculinity, femaleness, or femininity, and is nowhere in between those things, while not necessarily being genderless. an abinary individual may feel a strong sense of gender, however that gender is completely unrelated from the binary genders. x

abrogender - is a form of genderfluid that has two possible definitions: where one's gender is constantly changing and cannot be pinned down or when someone has so many tiny aspects to one's gender that the individual feels that they are continuously discovering it. x

agender - neither a woman, a man, nor any other gender; feeling genderless, null-gender or gender-neutral. x

aliengender - is when one's interpretation of their gender(s) feels as though it's from a nonhuman perspective. x

alienic - is a xenogender identity in which one's gender is related to deep space, UFOs, or aliens. x

ambonec - is a gender identity in which a person identifies as both female, male and neither at the same time. x

anarchogender - is a gender with multiple definitions. one definition is a non-binary gender characterized by a rejection of the gender binary and its social hierarchy. another definition is that being an anarchist affects your perception of gender. it could also mean one's gender is just anarchy. x

androgyne - describes an individual whose gender identity is simultaneously male/masculine and female/feminine, or in between male/masculine and female/feminine, or whose gender identity is androgynous. x

angelenby - is a xenogender identity in which one's gender is related angels.

autigender - is a neurogender which can only be understood in the context of being autistic, or when one's autism greatly affects one's gender and/or how one experiences gender. autigender is not autism as a gender, but rather describes an experience of gender that is so heavily influenced by being autistic that one's autistic identity and one's experience of gender cannot be unlinked. x

bimbogender - is a xenogender gender related or connected to bimbocore or being a bimbo. it is based on the idea of reclaiming one's personal confidence and femininity while making sure one is seen and heard. this gender may also be related to feeling sexy and airheaded, as well as euphoriа from things that are perceived as hyperfeminine, although one does not need to be feminine-aligned to be bimbogender. although this term is not inherently sexual, many people believe it should only be used by adults. x

boi - is a term with many meanings. broadly, it indicates "masculinity which is not cisheteronormative." this identity originated in multiple subcultures in the mid-to-late 1990s. x

catix - is a nuerogender and a xenogender influenced by one's neurodivergency and is connected to cats, cat aesthetics, and/or a love for cats. x

celestae - is a xenogender identity in which one's gender can be defined as "celestial." x

cosmicgender - is a xenogender identity in which one's gender is so vast and complex that one is only able to process a small bit of it at a time. it is like viewing the night sky through a telescope; one can't see the whole sky (gender) at once, but may be able to gain more knowledge about the piece of it one is looking at the longer one looks. one's gender may contain any number of gender and subgenders which may become clearer upon exploration. this gender is infinite in its possibility. x

cyberenby - is a xenogender identity in which one's gender is related to computers, phones, the internet, or other forms of digital or electronic technology.

cyboric - a gender that feels part human part machine. a xenogender for those whose gender is related to cyborgs.

daimonenby - a is a xenogender identity in which one's gender is related demons.

demiboy - is a non-binary gender in which one is partially, but not fully, a boy. x

demigirl - is a non-binary gender in which one is partially, but not fully, a girl. x

digigender - is a xenogender which resembles an application or electronic entity. it can be a broadly digital gender or be a specific digital thing or file. x

egogender - is a xenogender where the only way to describe one’s gender is simply as oneself. one's gender can only be described as themselves and is therefore unique to them. x

elvenenby - is a xenogender where one feels strongly connected to elves.

entheogender - is a gender that feels like a spiritual/psychedelic experience, or that is connected to one’s spirituality. it cannot be explained or understood in mundane terms. x

etherealic - is a gender identity in which one's gender can be defined as "ethereal." those who are etherealic experience their gender as being extremely delicate and light in a way that seems not to be of this world. x

faeriegender - is a xenogender identity in which one's gender is related to fairies.

femme - has many different meanings and often refers to a person who embraces, reclaims, or subverts their culture's understanding of what it means to be feminine, especially in their gender expression. x

florauna - is a gender identity centered around things connected to fauna, flora, weather, different species of animals and plants, and anything that one might associate with nature. x

foggender - is a neurogender which is close to a certain gender, but cannot be directly pinpointed due to brainfog (a lack of concentration or wakefulness associated with ADHD, fibromyalgia, depression, etc.). x

genderhoader - is a gender identity in which one's gender is fluid, and one cannot find a single term to describe their gender, so they "hoard" various gender terms. there is no limit on the number of genders one can hoard, and the genders can be of any type. x

genderpunk - a term for a culture of resistance against cisnormativity; an identity that in and of itself is a resistance against gender norms, transphobia, and social hierarchies. x

gendersweet - is a feminine gender centered around pastels, soft/cute things, a kawaii/anime aesthetic, and stuffed animals. it can also be sweet, like candy or sugar. x

genderwitch - is an umbrella term covering all the people, who fully or partially identify their gender as "witch” or whose gender is determined by being a witch. x

glitchgender - is a xenogender in the in which an individual experiences a gender that is described as ill-defined, glitchy, crowded, or staticky. it's typically used when one knows they have a gender, but it's so confusing and staticky that it's hard to define it by normal means. x

labelflux - is an identity with two definitions. the first one is for one whos sexuality/orientation doesn’t change, but their preferred labels/the labels they feel comfortable with do. the second definition is that labelflux can refer to somebody who’s gender labels fluctuate but their gender stays the same. x

leogender - is a zodiacgender based on the constellation leo and a xenogender that is related to strength and regalness. x

lunagender - is a xenogender identity in which one's gender feels in some way related or connected to the moon. a lunagender person may feel as though their gender identity is validated and/or intensified by the moon.

lycangender - a xenogender related to lycanthropes and wif/werewolves.

mechagender - is a neurogender associated with robots, androids, AI, and other sentient mechanical beings, in which someone feels a disconnection with humanity or being human due to their neurodivergence, and thus feels a disconnection to the human understanding of gender. it is similar to aliengender, though mechangender differs in that, like a robot, the gender feels 'man-made'. while mechangender may imitate a human gender in the same way a robot may imitate a human, it will always be fundamentally different and separate. only neurodivergent people can identify with this gender. x

mechanika - a xenogender identity in which ones gender is related to machines.

merenby - is a xenogender where one feels strongly connected to merfolk.

neurobxy - is when one's gender feels like a boy but because of their neurodivergence, it feels as if it is disconnected in an agender way. x

neurogxrl - is when one's gender feels like a girl but because of their neurodivergence, it feels as if it is disconnected in an agender way. x

nonvirmina - is a gender identity in which one's gender is not man or woman in any way, shape, or form, but one feels a strong connection to both masculinity and femininity within their gender. x

OSgender - is a xenogender in which someone feels their gender is connected to an operating system (Windows, MacOS, Linux, or other) or elements related to it. x

outherine - is an umbrella term for genders that are unrelated to the four qualities used to generally explain/define gender: masculinity, femininity, androgyny and neutrality. x

paradoxigender - is gender that has qualities that are a paradox, or seems to contradict itself. x

pixiegender - a gender identity that feels small but magic. a xenogender linked to pixie fairies.

soft butch - is a lesbian who exhibits some stereotypical butch traits without fitting the masculine stereotype associated with butch lesbians. may have gender identities of women or woman-aligned, but primarily display masculine characteristics; soft butches predominantly express masculinity with a touch of femininity. x

solgender - is a xenogender identity in which one's gender feels in some way related or connected to the sun. a solgender person may feel as though their gender identity is validated and/or intensified by the sun.

technogender - when you are most or only comfortable expressing your gender in relation to or in connection with technology. a neurogender for people who only feel comfortable with their gender online due to anxiety. a xenogender related to technology and an umbrella term for genders related to technology. x

vaguegender - is defined as a gender identity that is highly influenced by being neurodivergent, and feels undefinable or partly definable because of one’s neurodivergence. x

vampenby - is a xenogender identity in which one's gender is related to vampires.

xerraderic - is a xenogender that describes the feeling of one's gender being able to be easily erased and redrawn to their liking. x

other identities

anarcha-queer - is an ideology that holds that the only way to achieve true queer liberation is by rejecting all hierarchy and the shackles of capitalism and the state. x an anarchist school of thought connecting anarchism with queer theory and queer liberation activism. queer anarchy opposes capitalism and state institutions which enable domination of one social group over others. x

bisexual - is a sexual orientation encompassing attraction to multiple genders and/or sexes, with the attraction being sexual, romantic, and/or emotional. bisexuality is not limited to the gender binary, but it is often misunderstood as that. the term does not have a single, universal definition or strict rules as to who may identify as bisexual. x

cyberqueer - refers to the intersection of queer identities and digital spaces, highlighting how online platforms shape and reflect diverse sexualities and gender expressions. this term emphasizes the role of technology in forming queer communities, facilitating activism, and challenging traditional norms of identity in a virtual context. it also explores the ways that queer individuals navigate and express their identities through digital means, creating new forms of representation and connection. x

grayasexual - is an asexual identity characterized as being "in between" asexual and allosexual; that is, being asexual while also able to experience, or have experienced previously, sexual attraction. people who identify as gray-asexual may experience sexual attraction that occurs infrequently, at low intensity, or in an ambiguous way. x

neuroqueer - being both neurodivergent and queer, with some degree of conscious awareness and/or active exploration around how these two aspects of one’s being entwine and interact (or are, perhaps, mutually constitutive and inseparable). x

sapphillean - is a (micro)label for those who consider themselves both sapphic and achillean. this is due to them being on the nonbinary spectrum. x

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