• Mlxg channeling his inner Meteos with that sick Nocturne afk int (exactly my thoughts, I was thinking that that won't end well the entire time)
  • LetMe memes: LetMeInt, LetMeClearWards
  • 'Be TL; Win NA as 4th team to qualify for the 4th MSI; lose 4 games in a row. We all know whats next!' 'Win one game to give fans false hope into lose another 4 games in a row?'
  • Xmithie, a world class thief.
  • Breaking News: NA now 4th best region
  • You can't spell China without NA.
  • I'm convinced MLXG was afk in the brush near baron because he was on the phone to Liquid Steve, then once he confirmed the payment came through, just walked up and int'd.
  • Yeah, let Uzi pick Kai`Sa again after just witnessing KZ massacre. What could go wrong?
  • 'RNG made FW look like a NA team.' 'TL made RNG look like an NA team.'
  • Uzi: 'Let me get kill' Letme: 'OK, I got this'
  • 'Surely this was the last time Uzi gets Kai'sa this tournament, right?' 'Flash forward to game 4 of the finals. "Surely this was the last time Uzi gets Kai'sa this tournament, right?"'
may 18 2018 ∞
jul 17 2018 +