d e c e m b e r

n o v e m b e r

o c t o b e r

  • one more year, hopefully, one more and it will be over, hopefully...
  • get me one of those red bull fridges like at the worlds studio pls.

s e p t e m b e r

  • it is kind of scary, shutting off all my emotions, but I feel less... stressed. obviously still immensely under pressure (hell, my whole life is ruined) but I do not want to go back to not leaving bed for months, showering being pain, my hair falling out, being weak as hell and having no motivation to breathe at all. I just wish it will all go away...

a u g u s t

  • it's not that I've changed towards you, I just don't really feel alive anymore so why bother you, why waste your time with someone who is as good as dead

j u l y

j u n e

  • my coworker is the sweetest thing in the universe

m a y

a p r i l

  • the fact that I'm earning enough for both of us during this time to be able to pay the bills and eat and have some more left considering a year ago I didn't even want to leave bed except to have dinner is... in a way... a happy thought... I guess

m a r c h

f e b r u a r y

j a n u a r y

sep 2 2020 ∞
aug 24 2021 +