
  • Intellect>Hit/Spirit 17%>Haste 30%>Mastery=Critical


  • Head: [Arcanum of Hyjal]
  • Shoulders: [Greater Inscription of Charged Lodestone] or [Felfire Inscription]
  • Back: [Enchant Cloak - Greater Intellect] or [Lightweave Embroidery]
  • Chest: [Enchant Chest - Peerless Stats]
  • Wrist: [Enchant Bracer - Mighty Intellect] or [Enchant Bracer - Speed]
  • Gloves: [Enchant Gloves - Haste], [Enchant Gloves - Greater Mastery] or [Synapse Springs]
  • Waist: [Ebonsteel Belt Buckle]
  • Pants: [Powerful Ghostly Spellthread]
  • Boots: [Enchant Boots - Lavawalker] or [Enchant Boots - Haste]
  • Weapon: [Enchant Weapon - Power Torrent] or [Enchant Weapon - Hurricane]
  • Off-Hand: [Enchant Off-Hand - Superior Intellect]


  • Red: [Brilliant Inferno Ruby] or [Brilliant Queen's Garnet]
  • Yellow: [Reckless Ember Topaz] or [Reckless Lava Coral]
  • Blue: [Purified Demonseye] or [Purified Shadow Spinel]
  • Meta: [Burning Shadowspirit Diamond]


  • Normal:
    • 1. [Shadow word: Pain]
    • 2. [Mind Flay] x1,2 - You need at least 1 orb, cut it whenever you get orb.
    • 3. [Mind Blast] - Give a [Empowered Shadows]
    • 4. [Devouring Plague]
    • 5. [Vampiric Touch]
    • 6. [Mind Flay] x1,2 - Stacking 5x[Dark Evengelism].
    • 7. [Тrinket] and [Volcanic Potion] - Use here any kind of intellect boost.
    • 8. [Mind Blast] - Refreshing [Empowered Shadows]
    • 9. [Аrchangel] + [Shadowfiеnd]
    • 10. [Mind Flay] x2 - To stack 5x[Dark Evangelism].
    • 11. [Mind Blast]
    • 12. [Vampiric Touch]
    • 13. [Devouring Plague]
  • t13 4p:
    • 1. [Mind Flay] x2 - To stack 5x[Dark Evangelism]
    • 2. [Аrchangel]
    • 3. [Мind Blast] - (Macro)
    • 4. [Shаdowfiend]
    • 5. [Мind Spike] x4,5 - Try to use after x2 cast, [Trinkеt] and [Vоlcanic Potion].
    • 6. [Mind Blast] - (Macro)
    • 7. [Mind Spike] x3,4
    • 8. [Mind Flay]x1 - This will help you to enter in normal rotation right after pet disappear.
    • 9. [Mind Blast] - (Macro)
    • Starting normal rotation. All processes are up, no cooldowns which to care of--
    • 10. [Vampiric Touch]
    • 11. [Shadow word: Pain]
    • 12. [Devouring Plague]
    • 13. [Mind Flay] and [Mind Blast] filler and on CD.
    • Fillers and Important
      • Open up rotation from 1-9 step need to be done only during [Shаdowfiend]. There is 2 things only that need to be done correctly.
      • Macro, right after information. You need it!!
      • [Mind Blast] So between 3-5 [Mind Spike] can be done, depend your FPS/Delay.
sep 13 2017 ∞
apr 11 2020 +