EAS 100:

  • it actually helps to go to class.
  • if you can't make it to a 10 o'clock class, you're doing something wrong.
  • don't choose the class you're worst in to skip.

EAS 100 Lab:

  • yes, labs suck.
  • yes, everything on the lab final was covered in class.
  • yes, you still have to study.
  • yes, it will start and end later/earlier than your other classes so you can suck it up.

FREN 211:

  • actually participate in class.
  • it's ok to not understand something. that's why there's a prof. and office hours.
  • practice makes perfect.

PHIL 101:

  • maybe if you get help in a class you hate you won't hate it as much.
  • work hard, even if you hate it. why bring your gpa down because of feelings?
  • you don't have to make friends in every class.

ENGL 122:

  • follow all instructions.
  • very carefully.
  • class participation ACTUALLY WORKS
  • free marks for raising your hand help if you fail an essay.
  • don't procrastinate. literally. just stop that.

SOC 100:

  • read the textbook. 90% of the test is on there.
  • it helps reinforce class material too.
  • 9:30am is not too early.
  • skipping class doesn't make you cool. it makes you fail.
  • get there earlier than 9:30 so you don't have to push past people already sitting down.
  • leave earlier than normal for the final so you don't have to sprint.
dec 15 2013 ∞
dec 15 2013 +