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lots of freckles and really short fingernails. loves books. making lists and plans. bright lipstick. tights. old films. lamps. rain. gregory peck. good music. black and white photography. big necklaces. audrey hepburn. art. writing. chapstick. a good thesaurus.

just a twenty-something who should have been born in quite another century entirely.
what's a girl to do?

make lists, that's what.

listography NEW NEWS
  • discover a new color
  • see the mona lisa, the david, and the pieta in person
  • get married in the salt lake temple
  • go on a european excursion
  • run the race for the cure every single year
  • live in europe
  • receive a poem written about me
  • write a book or collection of poems
  • fill up 25 journals
  • build something with my Grandpa
  • have breakfast at Tiffany's
  • see the tulips in norway
  • see the seven wonders of the world
  • read all the books on my list
  • own a bookstore with amie
  • learn technical photography
  • design my own wedding dress
  • live in seattle
  • own a house that's at least a hundred years old
  • find a first edition of a classic book
  • learn how to make mom's bread
  • ride a horse in the english countryside
  • spend a day on the Moors reading Bronte
  • see a play at the globe
  • go on a solitary road trip across the country
  • learn to play jazz on the piano
  • become fluent in another language
  • grow a garden
  • see james dean's grave, graceland, the hotel where martin luther king, jr. was shot. see america.
  • dance with my grandpa at my wedding
  • become a british literature expert
  • make it all the way through a russian novel
  • less technology, more paper
  • serve a mission
  • own a vespa scooter
  • stargaze on a rooftop
  • learn calligraphy
  • learn to sew
jun 1 2010 ∞
jun 1 2010 +