• 3/8/11- I know it's been a while since I've updated. Blame the violence of MTSU. You can also blame midterms. Anyway, I am back and I promise to be loyal. Ryan is currently in Seattle. He's been gone a few days now and I miss him so much. When we're gone like this it really puts in perspective for me just how much he means to me and how much I need him. In church last Sunday we looked at 1 Corinthians 13. I started reading everything that love is supposed to be and I realized that a lot of times I don't honor my love to Ryan the way I should. I really want to make a change and show Ryan how much I love him in the way I'm supposed to.
  • 2/21/11- Today I'm spending a lot of time admiring my boyfriend. He is such a tremendously hard worker. When he has something to do, he tackles it and he never fails to give it the best effort he has to offer. This is just more confirmation for me that he is my future husband. I know that Ryan will do anything for me. I know that he will work hard to take care of me (he already does). But most of all, I know he'll never give up on me. I love that man so much.
  • 2/20/11- I had the most perfect time this weekend. I got to spend time with people that I love. My mama, sister, step brother and sister, step dad. I got to be with my love and some of my best friends. My friend, Melissa is getting married and we talked about her wedding this weekend. I cried thinking about her walking down the aisle. WE'RE GROWING UP!!! AHH!!
  • 2/19/11- OH MY GOSH, I GOT AN IPHONE.
  • 2/18/11- Ok... So I missed a few days, and for that I am deeply sorry. I finished a huge paper on the 16th and turned it in on the 17th. It is such a stress reliever to deliver a finished paper. I've been in a good mood ever since.
  • 2/15/11- I am currently working on a PILE of homework. Well, actually my pile has turned into a small stack. I've finished two things that had to be done tonight and have left one paper that is due the day after tomorrow. It's going to be no fun. Lesson from this thought of the day? Do not procrastinate. I will never follow my own advice on this one- I am too far gone. But maybe you can be saved. We can only hope.
  • 2/14/11- Valentine's Day. As much as everyone seems to hate this holiday, I have actually always loved it. Even when I didn't have Ry to share it with. It just seems like a day to be reminded of love. When I think of love I don't only think of it as romantic. I think of it abounding to me from my family, friends, and Heavenly Father. This Valentine's Day was beautiful- 60 degree weather, sunshine, the works. It was the perfect reminder of all the love I really do have in my life. I truly have been blessed tremendously.
  • 2/13/11- Some people are just power hungry and will step on anyone to make themselves feel more important. What do we do with these power famished peoples? We challenge them. I will NOT let anyone treat me as a doormat.
  • 2/12/11-I can't wait until Nashville is my home. Whoever said that college is the best time of your life scared me to death, because I know there's so much more. I can't wait to graduate and to go out there and tackle the next chapter of my life!!
  • 2/11/11- Gen Eds are pointless. They're just the college world's way of wasting your time and getting paid for it. It's nothing but a review of high school that the school disguises as making you "well rounded".
  • 2/10/11- I was thinking earlier about how sad I am that my Paw Paw never got to meet Ryan. But you know what I bet?! I bet Nannie has sat up in heaven with him and told Paw Paw ALLLL about Ryan and how she thinks he's "just darlin'" and how she knows he'll take care of me. I bet Paw Paw's proud that I've found someone like Ryan. And when I do marry Ryan someday, it'll be like they're right there with me.
  • 2/9/11- I'm so thankful for all my sweet friends. I need them more than they know.
  • 2/8/11- Bad things bring loved ones back together. They erase the regret, and the resentment. They remind us of why we love each other in the first place- that becomes all that matters.
  • 2/7/11- The most important thing we can possess is our Faith.
  • 2/6/11- I have missed a few days because of recent occasions. I've done a lot of thinking in these lost days, however. The loss of my Nannie has really made me step back and look at myself. I don't want to do things because it feels comfortable. I don't want to lose sight of what is most important. I really want to jump back into the Word or into a great church where I can really get plugged in. I want to sing and lead people in worship. I want to do everything God put me on this earth to do. I want to make my Nannie proud.
  • 2/3/11- I lost my sweet Nannie last night around midnight. All I have the strength to say is that I know she's happy. I know she's in heaven. She's smiling and laughing. She can see again. She can walk and dance. She can sing and play the piano. Her and Paw Paw are together. While I'm mourning the loss of a wonderful woman, heaven is celebrating the arrival of one. My Nannie is one of a kind- one not like another. I'm proud to say I had the honor of being her "technicolor" granddaughter. Better known as: "My DALIN."
  • 2/2/11- Ryan put out his first demo last night. It's called "First Class" and it's absolutely beautiful. It was written about the time in our relationship where we had to be apart because of school. The song is a perfect anthem to anyone who misses someone they love. Go listen!
  • 2/1/11- Friends make everything better. Make inside jokes. Laugh loudly. Be goofy.
  • 1/31/11- Ryan played his first bar tonight. It was an immense success, to his surprise (but not mine). He was dolled over by a Grand Ole Opry veteran. I'm just so proud of him for putting himself out there and believing that he was capable of doing what he loves and doing it well. He is more than capable. Ryan shines.
  • 1/30/11- I am taking a really really difficult class this semester- US History. Doesn't sound intimidating, but you haven't met my professor. At first I wanted to drop this course... until my professor insulted the entire classroom's intelligence. He proclaimed that most of us will drop out and what's left over will probably fail. Nope. Now I HAVE to stick to it. And I simply must receive an A. And then I will pat myself on the back.
  • 1/29/11- Today I'm overwhelmed when thinking about my boyfriend. I feel to blessed to be the only one that gets to tell him how much I love him every day. And the only one that gets to kiss him.
  • 1/28/11- Girls never get tired of playing dress up. The outfits just fit better when we're older.
  • 1/27/11- Bullying and peer pressure are extremely real issues going on in our schools today. It starts as young as elementary school. I see things like this going on daily in the place that I work. Today I had a conversation about these issues with my group of kids. Just prior to the conversation I'd overheard countless insults, put downs, and negativity coming out of these 3rd, 4th, and 5th grader's mouths. I told them about how I used to be one of them- about how I judged others and thought I was somehow better, and then I got to high school. I told them about the hell I was put through by the people I thought were my best friends. I told them how they have no idea how much their words can effect people. After our talk one of my little girls pulled me aside and told me that she is going through what I went through, and that she was so glad to have finally found someone who she can relate to and to understand her. She told me I'm the only one she feels she can talk to. I thank God for this opportunity and for laying it on my heart to speak with these children today.
  • 1/26/11- It takes strength to break. The weak don't allow themselves to feel.
  • 1/25/11- Everyone needs a day (or even just a few hours) to just dedicate to themselves. Personally, I need it to maintain my sanity. It's nice to sit down with a massive blanket and watch your favorite movie, or listen to your favorite playlist, or to write your every last thought down in a journal or blog. It's nice to get to know yourself over and over. And completely necessary. You'll notice yourself realizing new things- important things.
  • 1/24/11- Thank God when things don't exactly go your way. Little mishaps and even the big ones keep us aware of His presence and comfort.
  • 1/23/22- "In the end, the only steps that matter are the ones you take all by yourself." -The Weepies.
  • 1/22/11- After a long week of stress and constant "go go go", it's alright to spend your ENTIRE Saturday in front of the TV watching movies and reality series.
  • 1/21/11- Do what's best for YOU. Not what's best for someone else.
  • 1/20/11- This semester I'm taking a class called American Media with a professor that is nothing short of completely opposite of everything I believe in. Yesterday night I was talking with my friend who's fiancee took the class the semester before I. She told me that this professor's lectures bothered him to the point of tears on some occasions. This got me thinking. I feel that Christians as a people need to be prepared for such a challenge. I feel that we need to expect to be looked down upon, mocked, made fun of, and we need to know how to respond. I don't believe that God would want us to cower away and hide from people like my professor. I think He would want us to show them His love. I try to imagine what Jesus would do if He were put in my position. Would He weep when He was challenged? Or would He accept His challenger with open arms to allow them to see who God really is?
  • 1/19/11- "The word is the skin of living thought." -Dr. Kimbrell
  • 1/18/11- "The highest form of Education is tolerance." - Dr. Kimbrell (Chew on that for a little while)
  • 1/17/11- Today is my boyfriend's birthday. All I've thought about all day is how thankful I am for his birth (duh) and the people that have taken part in helping him grow into the wonderful person he is today. It's so interesting to sit back and think about how different people have contributed to who you are- whether it be a big contribution or a small one. It makes me wonder on how many lives I've helped to mold?
  • 1/16/11- In a romantic relationship, it is important to grow individually as well as together. If the two involved are living for nothing other than for the other then dreams can shatter, resentment can ensue, and something that was beautiful can be broken. Know who you are and continue to grow in your individuality. Love your other for their unique qualities as well.
jan 17 2011 ∞
mar 9 2011 +