- crepusculum, twilight, dusk; darkness
- fulminatus, provided with thunder-bolts, bearing thunder
- oscen, a singing-bird, esp. in the auspices; a divining-bird, from whose notes auguries were taken (e. g. the raven, crow, owl)
- nubivagus, wandering among the clouds
- noctiluca, that shines by night; hence, the moon
- rosula, a little rose
- meridiare, to take a mid-day nap, have a siesta
- nivifer, nivifera, niviferum, snow-bearing, covered with snow
- taedifer, -fera, -ferum, torch-bearing: dea, i. e. Ceres, who kindled a pine-torch on Mount Ætna, in order to search for Proserpine
- aliger, -gera, -gerum, bearing wings, winged; as subst. Aligeri, the winged gods of love, Cupids
- iricolor, rainbowcolored (post-class.)
- vernifer, -fera, -ferum, flowering in spring, spring-blooming
- viriditas, green color, greenness, verdure, viridity
- āter, black, dark, sable. May also be defiend as gloomy, dismal
- hortulus, a little garden
- imbrifer, -era, -erum, rain-bringing, rainy
- flammigena, fire-born
- scintillula, a little spark, sparklet
- illūnis, (adj.) moonless, without moonlight. a nice, eerie word for any would-be poet
- apicius, -a, -um, sought by bees, liked by bees; hence, sweet, dainty
- flosculus, a little flower, floweret; a flower of rhetoric, ornament
- arborescere, to become a tree, to grow to be a tree
- stiria, a frozen drop; an ice-drop, icicle (poet. and in post-Aug. prose)
- verticordia, the Turner of hearts, an epithet of Venus
- litoralis, -e, of or belonging to the sea-shore: “dii litorales,” that guard the shore, gods of the sea-shore
- auricomus, -a, -um, with golden hair — Hence, poet., with golden foliage
- ignipotens, potent in fire, ruler of fire, ignipotent, a poetic epithet of Vulcan
- velivolus, -a, -um, sail-flying, winged with sails, a poet. epithet of a ship
- bubo, an owl, the horned owl
- focus, a fire-place, hearth
- trivenefica, -ae, an arrant poison-mixer, a thorough hag, witch, or sorceress
- nimbosus, -a, -um, full of storms, stormy, rainy
- claviger, the key-bearer, an epithet of janus, as the god of doors
- flosculus, a little flower, floweret; a flower of rhetoric, ornament
- larva, a ghost, spectre; as a term of reproach, hobgoblin, scarecrow
- spes, hope
- fluctigena, wave-born, born in the waves (late Lat.)
- caeruleus, -a, -um, dark-colored, dark blue, dark green, cerulean, azure, κυάνεος; poet. epithet of the sky, of the sea, and other similar objects
jan 1 2020 ∞
dec 31 2020 +