• "I'm sort of completely and totally plagued by this all-consuming panic that I only manage to keep at bay by indulging in some hard-core denial." - Saving June by Hannah Harrington, page 288.
  • "A morte não é a pior coisa que existe - respondeu o homem amável. - É o presente que Ele nos dá, um fim para as carências e a dor. No dia em que nascemos, o Deus das Muitas Caras manda-nos um anjo negro para atravessar a vida ao nosso lado. Quando os nossos pecados e o nosso sofrimento se tornam demasiado grandes para serem suportados, o anjo pega-nos na mão para nos levar para as terras da noite, onde as estrelas ardem sempre fortes. Aqueles que vêm beber da taça negra vêm em busca dos seus anjos. Se têm medo, as velas acalmam-nos. Em que te faz pensar o cheiro das nossas velas a arder, pequena?" - O Festim de Corvos de George Martin, página 343.
  • “When someone leaves you once, you expect it to happen again. Eventually you stop getting close enough to people to let them become important to you, because then you don't notice when they drop of your world.”

― Jodi Picoult, Leaving Time

  • “The moral of this story is that sometimes, you can attempt to make all the difference in the world, and it still is like trying to stem the tide with a sieve. The moral of this story is that no matter how much we try, no matter how much we want it … some stories just don’t have a happy ending.”

― Jodi Picoult, Leaving Time

  • “I’m the princess in an ivory tower, except every brick is made of history, and I built this prison myself.”

― Jodi Picoult, Leaving Time

  • "Parece tudo perfeito por fora" --- continuei ---, "mas ás vezes sinto-me como se não soubesse o que estou a fazer, ou onde quero realmente estar, e tive sempre um anseio estranho e inexplicável de fugir de onde quer que esteja, porque nada parece suficiente, e ás vezes fico incrivelmente frustrada, como se a vida fosse mais do que isto algures, mas não sei o quê nem onde. Nunca sentes isso?" A Cor do Céu by Julianne Maclean, página 141/142
  • “Everything seems perfect on the surface,” I told him, “but sometimes I feel like I don’t know what I’m doing, or where I really want to be, and I’ve always had this strange unexplainable urge to escape from wherever I am, because nothing seems quite enough, and I feel incredibly frustrated sometimes, like there’s more to life out there somewhere, but I don’t know what it is, or where it is. Do you ever feel that way?”

― Julianne MacLean, The Color of Heaven

  • “I’m afraid everything I was is gone and all that’s left is everything I’m not.”

- Courtney Summers, Please Remain Calm

  • “The thing no one tells you about surviving, about the mere act of holding out, is how many hours are nothing because nothing happens. They also don’t tell you about how you can share your deepest secrets with someone, kiss them, and the next hour it’s like there’s nothing between you because not everything can mean something all the time or you’d be crushed under the weight of it. They don't tell you how you will float through days. You autopilot, here but not really here, sleepwalking, and then every so often you are awake."

- Courtney Summers, This is Not a Test

  • “I'd met people in my life who were pure poison. I had learnt to know the look of them - the way their smiles came and went and never touched their eyes, those eyes that could be so intense at times and yet revealed no soul. Such people might look normal, but inside it was as though some vital part of them was missing, and whenever I saw eyes like that I'd learnt to turn and run and guard my back while I was leaving.”

- Susanna Kearsley, The Rose Garden

feb 16 2015 ∞
jan 1 2016 +