obligatory disclaimer that I do realize that I'm human, and that our minds are complicated, and that some of these are built from psychological influence. hell, maybe all of them. I don't know. I think that makes it better.

★★★ - primary identifier, often present / ★★ - secondary identifier, still significant, but not as constant / ★ - pops up now and then

  • please feel free to refer to me as any of my kintypes, I identify with them for a reason and I'll probably feel super fond about it

would prefer no interaction with:

  • other botw Links: this is the first time I've felt weird about doubles. other Links are fine, just this iteration feels weird! no offense, we're all awesome.
  • Rose Quartz: personal reasons. sorry.
  • Poison Ivy: see above.
mar 21 2017 ∞
mar 21 2017 +